Team Pandora Dr. Lisa Irby Dr. Jordan Connie LaFave Janelle Sternberg Tammy Swope
The 5 Protocols of PBL Team Plan Work Critique Share Protocol – the way we do things
PBL Team Protocol Choice s Benefit s Roles Team Contrac t Driving Questio n Communicator Leader Techie Time Keeper Materials Manager Students Assume Roles
Workshops Individual task list The Plan Protocol An organized approach to problem solving Now to the work Brainstorm What we know What we need to know Resources Research questions Team task list Timeline Students Plan Research
Work Protocol Investigate, Inquire, and Invent Scaffolding Activities/ Workshops Research Summary Keep Track of Daily Goals Check on progress Resolve problems Reflect on days priorities. Receive Feedback before Critique Protocol. Students Resolve and Reflect Kids at work
Constructive feedback Is kind, specific and helpful Self Peers Teachers Professionals prepares students for a successful share; mistakes can be corrected Desk Critique Pin up /Gallery Walk Warm / Cold Feedback Allows for early input Allows for continual revision Allows for clarification Ensures alignment What is it? Examples Benefits Informal critiques - often Formal critiques days in advance When? Critique Protocol SHARE
Real Audience Ways Protocol * Oral Presentation * Online * Publish * Display/Exhibit * Can Apply Solution * Local and Global * Parent * Professionals * Learners * Appropriate * Time Limit * Audience Expectation Share Protocol
Benefits Include: Student Centered Learning/Focus Student Centered Learning/Focus Critical Thinkers Critical Thinkers Real World Application Real World Application Parent/Student Involvement Parent/Student Involvement Allows creativity in learning Allows creativity in learning Aligns Standards Aligns Standards Communication Skills are Improved Communication Skills are Improved 21 st Century Learning/Technology 21 st Century Learning/Technology Cross Curriculum Teaching Cross Curriculum Teaching College Readiness College Readiness
PBL Teaching the Students to think Outside the Box!