Information Hiding & Digital Watermarking Tri Van Le
Outlines Background State of the art Research goals Research plan Our approaches
Background Information hiding –Steganography –Digital watermarking Related work –Covert channels –Anonymous communications
Information Hiding Steganography –Invisible inks –Small dots –Letters Digital watermarking –Copyright information –Tracing information
Information Hiding Main idea –Hide messages in a cover Steganography –Secrecy of messages Watermarking –Authenticity of messages
Covert Channels Leakage information (e.g. viruses) –Disk space –CPU load Subliminal channels –Digital signatures –Encryption schemes –Cryptographic malwares
Covert Computations Computation inside computations –Secret design calculations inside a factoring computation –Secret physics simulations inside a cryptographic software or devices
Anonymous Communications MIX Networks –Electronic voting –Anonymous communication Onion Routings –Limited anonymous communication Blind signatures –Digital cash
Digital Watermarking Secure against known simple attacks –Common lossy compressions JPEG, MPEG, … –Common signal processing operations Band pass, echo, pitch, noise filters, … Crop, scale, move, reshape, … Specialized attacks
Information Hiding (state of the art) Many schemes were proposed –Most of them were broken Use heuristic security –Subjective measurements –Assume very specific enemy
Broken Schemes (I)
Broken Schemes (II)
Broken Schemes (III)
Broken Schemes (IV)
Cryptography in the 80s Beginning time of open research A lot of schemes proposed Most of them soon broken
Broken Cryptosystems (I) Merkle Hellman Iterated Knapsack Lu-Lee Merlke Hellman Merlke Hellman Lu-Lee Adiga Shankar Adigar Shankar Nieder- reiter Neiderreiter Goodman McAuly Goodman McAuly Pieprzyk Pieprzyk Chor Rivest Chor Rivest Okamoto Okamoto Okamoto
Broken Cryptosystems (II) Matsumoto Imai Cade Yagisawa Matsumoto Imai CadeYasigawa TMKIF Tsujii, Itoh Matsumoto Kurosama Fujioka Luccio Mazzone Luccio Mazzone Kravitz Reed Kravitz Reed Rao Nam Rao Nam Low Degree CG 1982 High Degree CG 1988 Rivest Adleman Dertouzos Rivest Adleman Dertouzos Krawczyk Boyar...
Proven Secure Schemes Perfectly secure schemes –Shannon (1949) Computationally secure schemes –Goldwasser and Micali (1982) –Rabin (1981)
Perfectly Secure Cryptosystems Shannon’s work (1949) –Mathematical proof of security –Information theoretic secrecy Enemy with unlimited power –Can compute any desired function
Computationally Secure Cryptosystems Rabin (81), Goldwasser & Micali (82) –Mathematical proof of security –Computational secrecy Enemy with limited time and space –Can run in polynomial time –Can use polynomial space
Research Goals Fundamental way –Systematic approach –Same as Shannon and Goldwasser’s work What are the properties –Hiding –Secrecy –Authenticity
Fundamental Models Unconditional Security –Unlimited enemy Statistical Security –Polynomial number of samples Computational Security –Polynomial time and space
Information Hiding Properties Hiding property –Output must look like the cover Secrecy property –No partial information on input message Authenticity property –Hard to compute valid output
Unconditional Hiding Definition –E: K M C, encryption function –K: key set, M: message set, C: cover set –P cover : probability distribution of covers –P c : probability distribution of E(k,m) Requires –P c = P cover
Statistical Hiding Definition –P cover : probability distribution of covers –P c : probability distribution of E(k,m) –n: description length of each cover Requires –|P c - P cover | is negligible. –|P c - P cover | 0 and n>N d.
Computational Hiding Definition –P cover : probability distribution of covers –P c : probability distribution of E(k,m) –n: description length of each cover Requires –P c and P cover are P-time indistinguishable
Computational Hiding P-time indistinguishable –For all P.P.T.M. A, d>0, and n>N d : Prob(A(P c )=1) - Prob(A(P cover )=1) < n -d. –Informally speaking No P-time enemy can tell apart P c and P cover
Unconditional Secrecy Ciphertext independence: –Prob(m|E(k,m)) = Prob(m) Informally no information on message given ciphertext
Statistical Secrecy Negligible advantages: –For all m in M, d>0, n>N d : |Prob(m|E(k,m)) - Prob(m)| < n -d –Informally Only negligible amount of information on message leaked when given the ciphertext.
Computational Secrecy Negligible chances: –For all P.P.T.M. A: –For all m in M, d>0, n>N d : |Prob(A(E(k,m))=m)| < n -d –Informally Only negligible chance of output correct m.
Our Approaches Arbitrary key –Steganography, watermarking Restricted key –Protection of key materials Key = Ciphertext –Secret sharing
Our Approaches Arbitrary key distribution –E(k,m) is distributed accordingly to P cover Applications –Steganography –Digital watermarking –Tamper-resistant hardware
Our Approaches Restricted key distribution –c = E(k,m) –k is distributed accordingly to P K –c is distributed accordingly to P cover Applications –No tamper-resistant hardware –Protection of key materials
Our Approaches Key = Ciphertext –S: M C C –(k 1,k 2 ) = S(m) Requires –k 1 and k 2 distributed accordingly to P cover Applications –Secret sharing –Robustness
Research Progress To understand information hiding –Perfect hiding (done) Necessary and sufficient conditions Computational complexity results Constructions of prefect secure schemes Constructions of schemes with non-reliability –Computational hiding (under research) Conventional constructions Public key schemes
Perfect Hiding Scheme Condition –P cover (c) 1/|M| Algorithms –Setup: produce |M| matrices A i –Disjoint non-zero entries –Columns sum up to P cover –Rows sum up to the same –Encrypt: –E(k,m) distributes accordingly to row A m (k).
Perfect Hiding Scheme Algorithms –Encrypt: –c=E(k,m) distributes accordingly to row A m (k). –Decrypt: –Output m such that A m (k,c)>0. Message distribution independence –Hiding implies privacy.
Other aspects –Replacing privacy by authenticity –Digital watermarking Extra problem –Robustness against modifications –Simple modifications –General modifications
How to exploit Quadratic residues –n = pq –S 1 = {x 2 |x in Z n * } –S 2 = {x|x in Z n * and J(x)=1} Decision Diffie-Hellman –U 1 = (g, g a, g b, g ab ) mod p –U 2 = (g, g a, g b, g r ) mod p
Conclusion Covert channels –Very special distribution Our work –General distribution –Proven security levels
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