1 EU funding for sustainable energy Use of EGNOS for Safety-of-Life Applications: Accelerating EGNOS Adoption in Aviation
2 Activity: Exploiting the full potential Area: Safety-of-Life applications Description of topic Galileo (a)
3 Past projects have proved EGNOS benefits for Aviation GIANT ( ) measured operational gains: Less disrupted approaches More safety Curved approaches, reduction of noise and fuel EGNOS retrofitting breaks even after 2 years, 6M NPV Flight trials provided real-life feasibility success stories (including landing an helicopter on hospital) GIANT 2 ( ) will address new/underserved user communities (e.g. corporate jets, police/emergency) that can trigger innovative application ideas HEDGE ( ) objectives are to develop: Helicopter SOAP (SBAS Offshore Approach Procedure) and necessary avionics Helicopter PINS (Point in Space) procedures for mountain rescue and HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services)
4 This new FP project is addressing the full cycle of aviation operations Aims at experimenting wide-scale adoption of EGNOS in a network of EU airports serving regional airlines and/or general aviation and/or helicopters To create a ‘snowball effect’, building on early adopters’ commitment Shall involve all players along the cycle of operations: aircraft operators (BA, GA, commercial airlines), airports, ANSPs Other objectives Analyse real-life cost and benefits of EGNOS use, fine-tune business cases Provide evidence for further EGNOS evolution (e.g. 200 ft) It assumes EGNOS is fully certified for SoL use in Aviation by early 2010
5 FAQ 1/3 Where do you see the R&D value of this project ? The size of the trial (i.e. wide-scale vs single flights), the operational context and the ongoing use of EGNOS as navigation technology will produce valuable insights and econometric data to drive future steps in the program Is it a continuation of past projects, like GIANT (i.e. same concept) ? No, it’s a new approach: no more single tests involving one airport, one airline, but developing a wider scale real-life testing, covering cluster and the full cycle of operations Do you expect a well-written report ? Not as main output; we expect indeed wide-scale real-life adoption of EGNOS and real data for cost/benefit analysis, then we will also appreciate reading a well-written analysis of it, to drive further decisions about EGNOS program Project specifications Duration: up to 24 months Collaborative project (you’ll have to match 50% of the total budget)
6 FAQ 2/3 I run past FP aviation/GNSS related project, do I have an advantage here ? Selection will be strictly based on the merits of the proposal and capability of the consortium, independently of past participation on similar research Do you focus more on commercial or general aviation ? The two are relevant. Ideally you should cover both, designing a solution that can fit everyone (and include airports of course) Who would be the ideal consortium leader ? An organization with strong ties with all the players of the entire chain of aviation operations (i.e. avionics and aircraft manufacturers, aircraft operators, small/medium airports) Do I need a business plan in my proposal? Yes,we do not intend to finance proposals with no perspectives
7 FAQ 3/3 Is there any geographical focus ? No. However for the nature of the project, we expect to take place where EGNOS performance is certified Is it a continuation of past projects, like GIANT (i.e. can I repackage past work :-) ? Absolutely not. We do not want to duplicate/replicate past work. Past work has shed light on the road to go, we want you to enter this road Should public/semipublic bodies like Eurocontrol, EU Airport Ass., Sesar be involved? To maximize the impact of this project, we welcome involvement from such bodies of the aviation community (they may have additional budget too…). But it’s the overall capability of the consortium that will be assessed I didn’t quite get what do you expect out of spending this money A number of aircraft operators installing and using EGNOS receivers for their daily operations, a number of airports serving those adopting EGNOS APV procedures
8 Final remarks Coordination with other projects: EC/GSA encourages collaboration among FP7 projects Be ready to participate in meetings and organise workshops Use all the new media available to maximize dissemination Further information and questions: cordis.europa.eu
9 QUESTIONS? Use of EGNOS for Safety-of-Life Applications: Accelerating EGNOS Adoption in Aviation Activity: Exploiting the full potential Area: Safety-of-Life applications Description of topic Galileo (a)