Baton Rouge Ozone Non-Attainment Area
Attainment History 1999 failure to attain 2002 Transport SIP with a NOx control strategy 2003 Transport SIP invalidated, area reclassified to “Severe” with 2005 attainment date 2004 Baton Rouge area designated “marginal” under the new 8-hr ozone standard with a 2007 attainment date 2007 attainment date will not be achieved
INFRARED IMAGING A New Set of Eyes for DEQ We have looked at “the Hawk” and “Sherlock” Used the Hawk in a Demonstration Study funded by EPA Region 6 Study period was June 21-22, 2005 Helicopter mounted
INFRARED IMAGING A New Set of Eyes for DEQ Contracted with LSI out of Texas Fixed facilities Railcars Natural Gas Tank Barges
INFRARED IMAGING A New Set of Eyes for DEQ Definition of a “Leaker” for this study -permitted or authorized emission -unauthorized or illegal emission Examples could be pressure relief valves, permitted emission sources, etc. Examined 2,000-3,000 railcars, more than 500 storage tanks and less than 100 barges
INFRARED IMAGING A New Set of Eyes for DEQ Helicopter crew Ground crew DEQ and its “New Set of Eyes” -Routine inspection tool -Emergency response tool -General surveillance tool
INFRARED IMAGING HAWK in the Future Handheld Compliance Assistance Enforcement Tool
The HAWK-What It Sees
Transportation AREAS OF CONCERN Rapid ID of barge contentsMinimize chemical releases into the surrounding environment
Marine Chemical Transportation Issues CTAC Meeting November 8, 2005 Galveston, Texas
Recommendations for Best Management Practices to Control and Reduce Inadvertent Cargo Vapor Emissions in the Tank Barge Community Conclusions The American Waterways Operators