1 How many layers of the Earth are there?
2 3
3 The part of the Earth that consists of molten metal
4 Outer core
5 The depth of the deepest mine in the world.
6 3.8 Km
7 What causes seismic waves?
8 earthquakes
9 Which metals make up the inner core?
10 Iron and nickel
11 Heat always moves …
12 From hot to cold
13 How heat is transferred in a fluid.
14 convection
15 Causes convection currents in the mantle.
16 Heat from the core and mantle
17 Convection currents are found in the mantle and …
18 Outer core
19 Convection currents within are thought to cause the Earths ….
20 Magnetic field
21 The part of the Earth that drifts.
22 crust
23 The trace of any organism preserved in rock
24 fossil
25 Mountain ranges in S. America line up with ranges on …
26 Africa
27 Supercontinent name.
28 Pangaea
29 Proposed the theory of continental drift.
30 Wegener
31 What surrounds the mantle?
32 crust
33 This boundary between the crust and mantle is hot plastic-like rock.
34 asthenosphere
35 Dark, fine grained igneous rock. Mostly found on the sea floor.
36 basalt
37 The border just above the asthenosphere.
38 lithosphere
39 Light colored, coarse grained rock that makes up most of the continents.
40 granite
41 Rock samples are a form of ______ evidence.
42 direct
43 Seismic waves are a form of ______ evidence.
44 indirect
45 Seismic waves revel the structure of the Earth through their speed and _____.
46 paths
47 Where the crust is thinnest.
48 Ocean floor
49 At what depth in the crust does the temperature start increasing?
50 20 meters