1 Power Amplifier With Low Average Current and Compact Output Matching Network 指導老師 : 林志明 學生 : 黃政德 系級 : 積體所研一 IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS, VOL. 15, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2005 Youngoo Yang, Member, IEEE
2 INTRODUCTION High PAE For CDMA, Pout=16 or 28dBm Goal is to boost the efficiency and reduce average current A new simple output matching network
3 Schematic diagram of the power amplifier with active bias and control blocks
4 Output matching network based on a high-pass topology
5 S-parameter simulation results
6 Die photo processed with InGaP/GaAs HBT technology
7 Measured quiescent currents
8 Measured small-signal gains
9 Measured ACPR1
10 Measured PAE and collect current
12 CONCLUSION The advantages of a low-cost design and reduced current consumption. A high-pass impedance matching circuit. The proposed PA provides a significant improvement in the PAE for an average power- usage.
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