A P RIMER FOR P ROMOTION Jess W Everett Chair, All-University Senate Promotion Committee (Adapted from presentation of Barbara Bole Williams)
P ROMOTION - PROFICIENCY IN Teaching Effectiveness Scholarly and Creative Activity Contribution to University Community Contribution to the Wider and Professional Community Defined in MOA Appendix A 5
Y OUR APPLICATION Describes your experiences as a teacher, scholar, & professional Makes compelling argument for what you do Clearly shows how you met benchmarks 6
A PPLICANT Complete promotion application MOA Appendix 5 Write letter to Department chair Sign intention to apply form (Office of Provost) Candidates for full professor Only Provide names of 2 external evaluators to Department & Dean CV for each evaluator 7
Develop portfolio organized according to promotion checklist Portfolio contents MOA 5.2 Checklist MOA Appendix E Submit seven (7) copies MOA A PPLICANT 8
D EPARTMENT R ESPONSIBILITIES Department Purpose Statement Promotion Standards Balance (Weight) Teaching Effectiveness Scholarship and Creative Activity Contribution to University Community Contribution to Wider & Professional Community Schedule for evaluation Review standards and procedures periodically Approved by College Deans and Provost 9
D EPARTMENT R ESPONSIBILITIES Faculty evaluation methods developed within department Teaching Assessment MOA ; and New faculty orientation Assist Promotion folder preparation Optional faculty development & individual professional development plan Plan & schedule for professional development activities 10
D EPARTMENT R ESPONSIBILITIES Department Promotion Committee schedules interview with applicant to review portfolio DPC evaluate portfolio and vote Point system optional DPC decides FAVORABLE DPC inform applicant and forward written report to College Promotion Committee (CPC) Candidate 7 copies of portfolio (with departmental report) delivered to chair of College Promotion Committee Candidate Supplementary materials (optional) – 1 copy 11
D EPARTMENT R ESPONSIBILITIES DPC decides UNFAVORABLE Written explanation provided, including how candidate does not meet the criteria At request of candidate, meeting scheduled to discuss Applicant can withdraw application or ask to have materials forwarded to CPC See in MOA for details 12
C OLLEGE P ROMOTION C OMMITTEE Composition and election of CPC Senate Promotion Committee runs elections for most CPC s Role of CPC Review DPC recommendation and evaluate applicant’s qualification Conduct interview with applicant Vote on applicant’s request for promotion Forward recommendation College Dean University Senate Promotion Committee (USPC) 13
C OLLEGE D EAN Review DPC & CPC recommendations, rationales and Applicant portfolio Meet with applicant Forward recommendation to candidate, DPC & CPC If Negative, applicant may Withdraw from further consideration, or Appeal negative recommendation by advancing application to Provost Positive recommendation Automatic advance to Provost 14
U NIVERSITY S ENATE P ROMOTION C OMMITTEE Members from each College Chair elected by Senate Conduct and supervise election of College Committees Receive, retain and review all applicants who received negative recommendations or mixed votes and/or who request a review Determine whether procedures were followed by previous committees Certify to provost that procedures followed Forward portfolios to Provost 15
A DMINISTRATION Provost and President is “largely procedural”, but can (and do) conduct substantive reviews Provost review portfolios and make recommendations to President Copies of recommendations provided to the candidate. If not recommended, candidate may withdraw request materials forwarded to President for further consideration President considers Provost recommendation and informs candidate of his/her decision Candidates or chairs of any promotion committee can request meeting 16
B OARD OF T RUSTEES Recommendations considered by BOT at June meeting Promotion takes effect following September 17
T IPS FOR D EPARTMENTS Guidance in early years to support Candidate’s development Thorough, honest, direct review to Candidate Give Candidate things to think about, reflect upon, and grow from (things Candidate can write about) Suggestion improvements & give constructive criticism Peer observations, use department criteria ( not just 1-pg summary) 18
S AMPLE C RITERIA FOR P EER O BSERVATION Good organization of subject matter Appropriate pacing Adherence to departmental syllabi & policies Effective communication Knowledge and enthusiasm for subject matter & teaching Positive attitudes toward students Fairness in examinations and grading Flexibility in approaches to teaching Appropriate student learning outcomes 19
C RITERIA FOR P ROMOTION University-wide Criteria: Defined by the collective bargaining agreement and summarized at both the Provost’s and Senate’s websites: Departmental Criteria: Each Department approves promotion criteria, interpreting common university criteria in own department Due dates: See MOA 20
C ONTENTS OF A F OLDER ( SEE P ROMOTION MOA) Complete Checklist with page numbers Departmental info Terminal degree Departmental interpretation and weighting of evaluation criteria Role of Dept Chair RU personnel resume (basic vita) Candidate’s self-assessment of professional performance Plans for future professional growth Student evaluations and peer observations, and candidate’s responses 21
C ONTENTS OF A F OLDER ( SEE P ROMOTION MOA) Assessment of teaching effectiveness Evaluation letter from approved External Evaluator Full Professor only! Departmental evaluation of Prof Performance Committee recommendation Numerical vote Names & signatures of committee members and chair Copy of recent evaluation of Dept Committee, University Senate Committee, Dean, Provost and President Supplemental folder (optional) 22
F REQUENT C ONCERNS Sloppiness, lack of organization, missing page numbers Show pride in work Poor Candidate reflection Poor Candidate response to student evaluations and peer observations Provide thorough self-reflection & explanations Missing signatures and/or dates Missing copies of evaluations from previous review cycles Include recent reviews at back of current folder and others in Supplemental Folder 23
DOUBLE CHECK FOLDER MOA checklist Initialed by DPC Chair Consecutive page numbers Self-appraisal signed and dated by Candidate Student evals signed and dated by Administrator or DPC Chair Peer observations signed and dated by Observer and Candidate Dept Eval signed and dated by all DPC members and Candidate 24
T IPS FOR C ANDIDATES Print Double-Sided Check and double-check file organization Have proof-reader check spelling and grammar Paginate all pages sequentially for easy reference If inserting pages at the last minute, use letters with numbers (14, 14A, 15, etc) Use tabs to divide sections of folder Make sure all pages of Original Folder are copied 25
T IPS FOR C ANDIDATES ( CONT.) Carefully read MOA and checklist Know your Departm guidelines Make a strong case prove deserving of financial commitment from university show pride in work Keep and include all evaluations and letters from DPC, USPC, Dean, Provost, and President Keep and include student evaluations and peer observations 26
T IPS FOR C ANDIDATES ( CONT.) Thorough self-reflection, explanation, and documentation of work and growth in all 4 areas If planning to use your T&R folder also for Promotion in the year you apply for tenure (Year 5), state such in your T&R folder and follow the guidelines for each of the four areas in the Promotion Memorandum of Agreement T&R and Promotion are two separate processes, but you may use the same application folder (beginning AY ) 27 T&R Prom.
M ODIFICATION FROM T&R TO P ROMOTION K EYED TO C HECKLIST Same information, different organization Table of Contents will differ Be sure to follow the respective Checklists Update information between T&R folio due date and Promotion folio due date 28
T IPS FOR C ANDIDATES ( CONT.) Consider providing a 2-5 page “executive summary” of highlights of accomplishments (esp since most recent previous review) at front of folder Do not leave anything open for questioning by multiple reviewers outside your Department Respond to any and all issues raised in review letters from most recent previous review cycle Clearly indicate dates of accomplishments Do not double count 29
T IPS FOR C ANDIDATES ( CONT.) Clearly describe accomplishments Authorship List authors / principle investigators in order of article or proposal Journal articles, chapters or books What was your role? How good is the Journal or Publisher? Why is it a good article, chapter or book? Conference articles In the proceedings? Acceptance based on abstract or paper? Grants Include: Principle Investigators, Title, Funding Agency, $ amount, Years & Status Status – Pending, Declined, Funded 30
T IPS FOR C ANDIDATES ( CONT.) Include blank student evaluation form in folder include questions that students responded to so student feedback can be interpreted by reviewers outside your Department Explain the scoring of the student evaluations Range (0-4 ? 1-5?) Value (5=poor? 5=excellent?) Create table summarizing student evals with dates and classes by semester 31
T IPS FOR C ANDIDATES ( CONT.) Put supporting material in Supplemental File Table of Contents Tabs Page numbers Include any evaluations not in the Promotion folder in Supplemental File 32
W HERE TO GO FOR HELP Department Promotion Committee members Faculty Center Director: Deb Martin 3 rd Floor James Hall Mentoring Sample documents Organization Teaching tips 33
W HERE TO GO FOR HELP ( CONT.) Senate website Faculty Promotion MOA &tips available for download Check website for Promotion tips and documents Provost website - Chair of Senate Promotion Cmte: Jess Everett 34