Understand the Features of Security System LEACTURE -13
IMPORTANT TOPICS 1.Describe the Operation of a Photo Electric Smoke Detector. 2.Describe the Operation of a Infrared Detector. 3.Describe the Operation of Video Monitoring System.
Describe the Operation of a Photo Electric Smoke Detector. Describe the Operation of a Photo Electric Smoke Detector. Comparator Amplifier Output Pulsing Circuit Logic Fig:-Block Diagram of Smoke Detector Current Source Photo Diode LED 5 V Regulator
Describe the Operation of a Infrared Detector. Describe the Operation of a Infrared Detector. Fig:-Block Diagram of Infrared Detector L. R. Power Generator Infrared LED & Photo Diode Detector Amplifier Power Amplifier Power SupplyBattery Output
Describe the Operation of Video Monitoring System Fig:-Block Diagram of Video Monitoring System Multiple Monitor Switching Unit Video Camera Monitor Video Camera Video Camera
NEXT LEACTURE Understand the Features of Resistance Welding.