irfu saclay 3D-MAPS Design IPHC / IRFU collaboration Christine Hu-Guo (IPHC) Outline 3D-MAPS advantages Why using high resistivity substrate 3 types of 3D-MAPS design
IRFU - IPHC /10/2009 Ecole microélectronique de l'IN2P3 Using 3DIT to improve MAPS performances 3DIT are expected to be particularly beneficial for MAPS : CCombine different fabrication processes RResorb most limitations specific to 2D MAPS Split signal collection and processing functionalities, use best suited technology for each Tier : TTier-1: charge collection system Epitaxy (depleted or not) ultra thin layer X 0 TTier-2: analogue signal processing analogue, low I leak, process (number of metal layers) TTier-3: mixed and digital signal processing TTier-4: data formatting (electro-optical conversion ?) digital process (number of metal layers) feature size fast laser driver, etc. Analog Readout Circuit Diode Pixel Controller, A/D conversion Pixel Controller, CDS Digital Analog Sensor ~< 50 µm Analog Readout Circuit Diode ~ 20 µm Analog Readout Circuit Diode Analog Readout Circuit Diode TSV 2D - MAPS 3D - MAPS Sensor tier = MAPS integration 1st level amplification µm Radiation hard Cluster S/N
IRFU - IPHC /10/2009 Ecole microélectronique de l'IN2P3 High resistivity sensitive volume faster charge collection Exploration of a VDSM technology with depleted (partially ~30 µm) substrate: Project "LePix" driven by CERN for SLHC trackers (attractive for CBM, ILC and CLIC Vx Det.) Exploration of a technology with high resistivity thin epitaxial layer XFAB 0.6 µm techno: ~15 µm EPI ( ~ O(10 3 ) .cm), Vdd = 5 V (MIMOSA25) Benefit from the need of industry for improvement of the photo-sensing elements embedded into CMOS chip For comparison: standard CMOS technology, low resistivity P-epi high resistivity P-epi: size of depletion zone size is comparable to the P-epi thickness! TCAD Simulation (by A. DOROKHOV) 15 µm high resistivity EPI compared to 15 µm standard EPI
IRFU - IPHC /10/2009 Ecole microélectronique de l'IN2P3 Landau MP (in electrons) versus cluster size 0 n eq /cm² 0.3 x n eq /cm² 1.3 x n eq /cm² 3 x n eq /cm² MIMOSA25 in a high resistivity epitaxial layer 20 μm pitch, + 20°C, self-bias 4.5 V, 160 μs read-out time Fluence ~ (0.3 / 1.3 / 3·)10 13 n eq /cm 2 Tolerance improved by > 1 order of mag. Need to confirm det (uniformity !) with beam tests 16x96 Pitch 20µm MIMOSA25 To compare: «standard» non-depleted EPI substrate: MIMOSA15 Pitch=20µm, before and after 5.8x10 12 n eq /cm 2 saturation -> >90 % of charge is collected is 3 pixels -> very low charge spread for depleted substrate
IRFU - IPHC /10/2009 Ecole microélectronique de l'IN2P3 IPHC 3D-MAPS: Self Triggering Pixel Strip-like Tracker (STriPSeT) Combine Tezzaron/Chartered 2-tiers process with XFAB high resistivity EPI process Tier-1: XFAB, 15 µm depleted epitaxy ultra thin sensor!!! Depleted Fast charge collection (~5ns) should be radiation tolerant For small pitch, charge contained in less than two pixels Sufficient (rather good) S/N ratio defined by the first stage “charge amplification” ( >x10) by capacitive coupling to the second stage Tier-2: Shaperless front-end: (Pavia + Bergamo) Single stage, high gain, folded cascode based charge amplifier, with a current source in the feedback loop Shaping time of ~200 ns very convenient: good time resolution Low offset, continuous discriminator Tier-3: Digital: Data driven (self-triggering), sparsified binary readout, X and Y projection of hit pixels pattern Matrix 256x256 2 µs readout time Tier-1Tier-2Tier-3 Cd~10fF G~1 Cc=100fF Cf~10fF off <10 mV Digital RD Vth Ziptronix (Direct Bond Interconnect, DBI®*) Tezzaron (metal-metal (Cu) thermocompression) DBI® – Direct Bond Interconnect, low temperature CMOS compatible direct oxide bonding with scalable interconnect for highest density 3D interconnections ( 10 8 /cm² Possible) W. DULINSKI, A. DOROKHOV, F. MOREL, G. BERTOLONE, X. WEI, … 20 µm Tier 2
IRFU - IPHC /10/2009 Ecole microélectronique de l'IN2P3 IPHC 3D-MAPS Delayed R.O. Architecture for the ILC Vertex Detector Try 3D architecture based on small pixel pitch, motivated by : Single point resolution < 3 μm with binary output Probability of > 1 hit per train << 10 % 12 μm pitch : sp ~ 2.5 μm Probability of > 1 hit/train < 5 % Split signal collection and processing functionalities : Tier-1: A: sensing diode & amplifier, B: shaper & discriminator Tier-2: time stamp (5 bits) + overflow bit & delayed readout Architecture prepares for 3-Tier perspectives : 12 µm ~1 ms ~200 ms AcquisitionReadout Y. FU, A. BROGNA, A. DOROKHOV, C. COLLEDANI, C. HU, … Detection diode or Q injection Amplifier NMOS only Amp.+Shaper Discriminator Hit identification 12 µm 24 µm 5 bits (7?) Time Stamp 2nd hit flag Delayed Readout Tier 1Tier 2 A B future + Detection diode & Amp ASD TS & R.O. 12 µm
IRFU - IPHC /10/2009 Ecole microélectronique de l'IN2P3 IRFU & IPHC 3D-MAPS: RSBPix FAST R.O. architecture aiming to minimise power consumption Subdivide sensitive area in ”small” matrices running INDIVIDUALLY in rolling shutter mode Adapt the number of raws to required frame r.o. time few µs r.o. time may be reached (???) Planned also to connect this 2 tier circuit to XFAB detector tier Building Blocks: PLL, 8b/10b, Bias DAC, Pre-Amplifier, Buffer…. Tier-1: NMOS only Tier - 2 Digital Memory and Digital Readout Discriminator DREADLATCH_D Y. DEGERLI, W. DULINSKI, … (Tier-1) 20µm