天津对外经济贸易职业学院 经贸外语系 荣宁宁
About this course. About this book. About a unit--- Unit 1, Book 1 My suggestions and reflections.
综合性课程 (Comprehensive) 1. Listening; 2. Speaking; 3. Reading; 4. Writing; 5. Understanding; 6. Testing.
过渡性课程 (Transitional); 1. Oral and Listening Course; 2. Good Preparation for Major Course; 3. Commitment to Future Career.
意义性课程 (Meaningful). 1. To reveal the beauty of English; 2. To equip the students with knowledge of their major; 3. To cultivate the students with good moral and professional sense; 4. To build up a mentally and physically healthy man for the society;
我系英语专业课程设置 年级课程类型专业基础课专业核心课拓展课程 大一综合英语 ( 语法 ) 口语 听力 泛读 ( 第二学期) 商务应用文写作 国际贸易实务 国际结算 英文演讲 大二综合英语 英语视听说 商务英语写作 商务英语泛读 商务英语函电 商务英语翻译 经贸英语 跨文化交际 国际贸易地理 英语国家概况 大三综合英语 英语视听说 外事实务 商务谈判口语 商务英语听说 外贸综合业务 外刊经贸知识选读 * 教学安排:外语语言 + 专业知识 + 职业技能 * 综合英语五学期课时分布:
教学模式与教学安排 教学模式: Student- Centered; Task-Based; Project-Based; Interest-Driven; Career- Oriented 教学原则: Being active > Being accurate; Students dare speak English. > Ss can speak English.
致用英语 综合教程 Teaching steps Teaching approaches Teaching contents
Teaching steps Each unit: Step 1, leading; Step 2, reading; Step 3, project; Step 4, extension; Step 5, language in use; Step 6, ability cultivation.
Teaching steps Each course(2 periods): A. News collections--- Hot issues; B. Careful preview--- Raise some questions, check tasks; C. Personality show and display--- Their own understanding; D. Presentation--- Teamwork, fulfillment of tasks and projects; E. Summary and reflection; F. Assignment ---A public mail-box; Reading list.
Teaching approaches It depends. A Variety of Teaching Methods according to the Contents. (Addressing the lecture; Presentation; Interacting; etc.) Mostly : Communicative approach; Community language learning approach; Semi-autonomous learning approach, etc.. Practice makes perfect.
Teaching contents Materials --related to the development of the society; --tightly close to their interest and daily life; --relatively practical in their future exchange; --comparatively not too difficult to the students.
Unit 1 How is language learned? It is greatly significant for the teachers to give the first lecture to the freshmen. To arouse their interest in the major; To maintain their enthusiasm in the course; To show them a new way of learning English.
Key and important points A. 单词和词组 Words and Expressions; B. 语法结构 Grammar and Structure; C. 语音 Pronunciations; D. 表现 Performance; E. 思想提升 Reflections.
Solutions to key and important points A. Collect some questions related to the text. B. Correct the pronunciations. C. Gather their opinions and ideas on this topic. D. something important to students.
Course design 1. Homework in advance A. Finish the quiz; B. Preview and raise some questions; C. Look up some new words in the dictionary; D. Be ready to give a report on the quiz. 2. Activities in class A. News collections; B. Presentation; C. Comments and remarks from the students; D. Summary and assignment.
Around the topic Reading Language in uese Project Extension Ability cultivation How is language learned
Teaching procedures Step 1, Leading activities(90 mins) Around the topic. A. Contents. 1. A quiz 2. Discussion. 3. Listening and speaking. B. Tasks. 1. Finish the topic around the quiz. 2. Try to define what a good language learner is. 3. What are the difficulties in their learning English?
Teaching procedures Step 1, Leading activities(90 mins) 1. A quiz (finished) Additional questions: 1) Why do you choose English as your major? 2) What levels your spoken English and written English are respectively at? 3) Would you like to recommend some tips to improve language learning? 4) What does a successful language learning experience bring about? 5) How many scores have you got in this quiz? What’s your feeling?
1. Do you know exactly why you are learning English? A. Yes, I know. B. I’m not very sure. C. I don’t know. 2.Do you know at what level your English is now? A. Yes. B. No. 3. When you learn something new, do you try to practice it? A. Always. B. Usually. C. Sometimes. D. Seldom. E. Never. … … … 10. How do you feel about the culture in English-speaking countries?... … … Quiz: Are you a good language learner?
Quiz: Scoring method and explanations for it. Score: Congratulations! You already meet most of the requirements for learning a foreign language well. … … You are certainly well on the way to becoming a good language learner. … … Below 10 Don’t worry! You may be studying English for many different reasons, and your way of learning a foreign language may need a change. … …
Teaching procedures Step 1, Leading activities(90 mins) 2. Discussion. Share experiences and stories with the partner. My difficulties: Pronunciation; Grammar; Writing; Listening ;Speaking; Everything My solutions: Practice (How to solve all of these problems? ) What is a good language learner or not? Try to list some models. Positive; Active; Brave; High score; Good writing; Good pronunciation DA SHAN Report.(Suggestions from and for all the students.)
Teaching procedures Step 1, Leading activities(90 mins) 3. Listening and speaking. Practice taking notes. A. Note down the advice given by an experienced language teacher from America-Peter Martin. At least three pieces of advice. Check Guess the meaning of the new words. Review the notebook as often as possible. Read something in English. Watch English films and listen to the English radio programs. Speak English as much as possible.
Teaching procedures Step 1, Leading activities(90 mins) 3. Listening and speaking. Practice taking notes. B. According to the pictures, try to recommend some activities which are helpful to improve your English listening skills. Answers are open. Report.
Teaching procedures Step 1, Leading activities(90 mins) Highlight: Group discussion and presentation. Mutual evaluation.
Teaching procedures Step 2, Reading(180 mins) 1. Pre-reading activities. Group work and presentation. 2. Reading comprehension. 1) Question collections. 2) Words and expressions (Check). 3) Understanding of the passage. 4) Exercises.
Teaching procedures Step 3, Project (90 mins). Please interview a successful language learner around you. 1. Finish the project in the textbook accordingly. 2. Higher requirements: video, ppt, presentation and so on. 3. Try to sum up how to have a successful interview by addressing a lecture.
Teaching procedures Step 4, Extension (50 mins). How to be a better reader? Autonomous study. Check. Comprehend the extensive reading. Group work. More design.(Questions; Performance, etc.) Which one will be more likely to be effective? What would you benefit from reading?
Teaching procedures Step 5, Language in use (60 mins) Together with Grammar Book (致用语法教程) 1. Grammar and word-building Uncountable and countable nouns: Oral practice. Word-building: Word bank, family tree. 2. Writing Outline, topic sentence, analysis.
Teaching procedures Step 6, Ability cultivation (70 mins). 1. Culture tips. Try to collect the gestures often used in our life as many as possible. Guess and question. Presentation. 2.Learning to learn. Summary and reflections. Speech on the topic.
教学评估与评价( Evaluations ) 1. Traditional way--- Quiz and Test. 2. Innovative way: A. Comments and Remarks from the Students; B. Comments and Remarks from the Teacher; C. Improvement and Self-decipline; D. Group Work. 3. Content--- Words; Phrases; Sentence Structures; Understanding; Reflections; Assignment.
My Reflections: Nothing is more important than designing the course and the test. Importance should be attached to their input and output. A notebook is really helpful.
选择《致用英语综合教程》 的几点原因 1 、打造精品课:高职教材 2 、本书的特别之处: Vocabulary and expression; Vocabulary and structure; More opportunities to practice oral English ; Project and task; Quiz and self-evaluation; New language and not too difficult; 3 、学生的情况:基础较差,有很大潜力; 4 、高职英语专业学生和本科学生未来的竞争点。
综合能力培养 (Comprehensive Cultivations) 1 扩展词汇量 (Vocabulary) 2 能说、能听、会写 (Speaking, Listening, and Writing) 3 形成看法 (Way of Thinking) 4 团队精神 (Team Spirit) 5 共性培养 (Shared Personality) 6 了解文化 (Culture Exchange)
Thanks for your listening!