Generation and Control of Squeezed Light Fields R. Schnabel S. Chelkowski A. Franzen B. Hage H. Vahlbruch N. Lastzka M. Mehmet J. DiGuglielmo und K. Danzmann Albert-Einstein-Institut Hannover Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik und Institut für Gravitationsphysik, Universität Hannover
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 2 Techniques against Shot Noise Power- Recycling mirror Laser Photo diode RSE / Signal-recycling mirror Arm cavity Vacuum (shot) noise Squeezed vacuum !
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 3 Phase Modulation at 0 ( 2 )
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 4 Amplitude Modulation at 0
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 5 Amplitude Squeezing at 0 Quantum noise Improved signal to noise ratio
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 6 Standard design of a squeezed field source, (Optical parametric amplifier, resonator with MgO:LiNbO 3 -medium) Length, LO, Generation of Squeezed Fields Pump field, cw, 532nm Squeezed field, cw, 1064nm Crystall
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 7 Optical Parametric Amplification Generation of phase squeezed light (g 1/2 =2)
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 8 Optical Parametric Amplification Generation of amplitude squeezed light (by deamplification, g 1/2 =1/2)
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 9 “Squeezing” and Signal-Recycling Power- Recycling mirror Laser Photo diode Signal-recycling mirror Faraday rotator SHG OPA GEO 600 topology
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 10 “Squeezing” and Signal-Recycling Vacuum (a) Squeezed vacuum + signal (b) Signals (c)
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 11 Generation of Squeezed Fields Technical laser noise Shot noise Detector dark noise Squeezed noise
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 12 Control of Squeezed Vacuum Fields Carrier Light is not allowed !
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 13 P-pol for OPO length control Frequency shifted field that still senses parametric amplification Control of Squeezed Vacuum Fields General concept: Use coherent but not interfering control fields: Frequency shifted fields Carrier Light is not allowed ! First audio-band squeezing: [McKenzie et al., PRL 93, (2004)] New experiment !
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 14 Was wir vorhaben:
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 15 Squeezing in the GW Detection Band 4 dB squeezing (a)Shot noise, 88 W(c) Shot noise, double laser power (b)Squeezed noise(d) Shot noise, half laser power [Vahlbruch et al., submitted (2006), available as LSC reviewed manuscript]
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 16 Squeezing in the GW Detection Band [Vahlbruch et al., submitted (2006), available as LSC reviewed manuscript]
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 17
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 18 Squeezing in the GW Detection Band (a)Shot noise (b)Squeezed noise
Elba, , Roman Schnabel 19 Summary Squeezed field injection is fully compatible with detuned signal recycling and a possible control scheme has been demonstrated (in the MHz regime). A control scheme for squeezed vacuum fields has been demonstrated which enabled the observation of squeezing from 10 Hz to 10 kHz.