What is the decimal representation of …? Hit “enter” key or click the slide.
What is the decimal representation of …? Hit “enter” key or click the slide.
What is the decimal representation of …? Binary digits will crawl from the left then disappear for added challenge! Watch closely. Hit “enter” key or click the slide.
What is the decimal representation of …? Hit “enter” key or click the slide for the next one.
What is the decimal representation of Get ready for a quick flash of binary numbers.... Hit “enter” key or click the slide for the next one.
What is the subnet mask? /16 /21 /12 /26 /19 /9 /24 Hit “enter” key or click the slide for the next one.
What is the subnet mask? /20 /10 /25 /22 /8 /14 /27 Hit “enter” key or click the slide for the next one.
What is the subnet mask? /17 /11 /23 /18 /15 /28 /29 Hit “enter” key or click the slide to end.