M EG ’ S C AREER B OOK !!! By Meg Rae.
P ERSONAL Q UALITIES I think I am: Honest Friendly Reliable Determined Caring Co-operative Flexible Enthusiastic Sociable Sporty
M Y A CHIEVEMENTS 1. Consistent Effort award for Room I think it’s an achievement because I got it versing year 8’s for the award. 2. My netball team getting first place in our grade because we were versing higher teams. 3. Making it into the Blue Ferns because we versed teams from all around northland and we came 3 rd and it made me a better netball player.
M Y L IKES A ND D ISLIKES Dogs Cats Turtles Donkeys Limes Strawberries Watermelon Movies Lollies Chocolate Cooking Friends Burglars Terrorists Chickens Snakes Spiders Murderers Bullies Monkeys Fights LikesDislikes
M Y V ALUES Being with my family Helping people in my community Being in a team Being a leader Being able to travel and have lots of holidays Thinking up new ideas Doing lots of different things Being in pleasant surroundings Looking after my animals
M Y S KILLS Helping others Working with numbers Being creative Staying fit Communication/ Interpersonal Problem solving Managing Following instructions
I NTERVIEW The guy I interviewed was a bee keeper. His name is Richard. He is a self employed, full time, seasonal and contract worker. His role is like a farmer. He protects the bees and he makes sure they are healthy. The skills you need for type of work is budgeting, calmness, leadership, people skills, accounting and time management. His interests are being outside, animals, fishing and surfing. He uses one of his interests in his job and that is he is always outside. The school subjects useful for this job would be biology, accounting, economics and business studies. One of the subjects he took at school was useful and the subject was biology. He started off as an apprentice. The new skills he developed was time management, communication and advertising.
W HAT I W ANT T O B E... A vet or a chef.
W HAT I N EED T O A CHIEVE T HIS. Vet: Subjects: Biology, Science, Maths and English. Skills: Animal caring skills, Time management skills, People skills. Interests: Animals, Sports and Helping.
W HAT I N EED T O A CHIEVE T HIS. Chef: Subjects: Cooking, Maths, Science and English. Skills: Time management skills, Art skills, preparation skills and People skills. Interests: Food, Eating and Sports.