Click to edit Master title style Year 12 Work Experience Monday June 29 th to Friday July 3 rd 2015 Information evening for students and parents 21/10/14
Background Post 16 work experience as part of study programmes Professor Alison Wolf for the wrote a report in 2011 for the Department for Education that suggested that, in order to enhance employability skills, all young people should be able to gain real experience and knowledge of the workplace study programmes were introduced from September 2013.
16-19 study programmes All students are expected to follow a study programme tailored to their prior attainment and future career aspirations. Students benefit more from work experience in the Sixth Form as they are better placed to begin preparation for progression to University or employment.
Benefits Develops vocational and employability skills. Allows students to make sure that they are really suited to the career they intend to pursue in the future. Demonstrates personal effectiveness – attendance, attitude, punctuality etc. Links to applications for specific courses at University (some will expect recent relevant work experience to even consider the application). Additional reference from work placement employer.
Volunteering and work shadowing Volunteering can also provide work experience. Work shadowing can be a useful experience and is not such a big commitment for some busy professionals. Think creatively about how you can demonstrate relevant experience of the type of employment or course you are applying for.
What students need to do Self-canvas a suitable placement. Ask Mrs Nind, Miss James, Mrs Musgrave or Mr Levitt for ideas for placements that students have found in the past if you are struggling. Ask family, friends and teachers for ideas as well. Research local employers on the internet. Be pro-active in researching opportunities. Ask your placement provider to complete the self-canvas form once they have agreed to take you. Return the form to us by 18 th December Follow the guidance in the work experience log book. Phone the placement before your first day. Prepare well if you have an interview. Demonstrate employability skills. Keep a diary during your placement. Ask your employer to assess you and complete your log book.
Parents responsibility Sign the relevant consent forms issued by school. Let us know if you have any concerns. Help your son/daughter to write a CV and encourage them to start trying to sort out their placement as soon as possible Keep reminding them of the deadline to get forms back please! If the work placement is out of the area you will need to be satisfied that you are happy with the arrangements and use the checklist we provide for this purpose and sign a consent form to accept responsibility for your son/daughter during the Work Experience week as we will not have carried out the checks. Be prepared to fund travel costs to the work placement if necessary or apply for bursary if you are eligible for some support towards additional costs.
What we will do Visit the placement provider (if it is in the local area) to check out the placement to make sure it is suitable and gather details for you including things like hours you are expected to attend, what you should wear, who you should report to etc. Check that the employer holds relevant insurance. Authorise your placement if it is out of the area and provide you with a checklist so you and your parents can ask the placement provider to confirm that things are in place to make sure your placement goes well. Heath and safety – we will need to check that appropriate risk assessments are in place. Check that the placement is going well by ringing or visiting during the week. We will send out letters to your placement provider to confirm arrangements and to thank them when you have completed the week.
Finally Work experience is a great opportunity for you to stand out from the crowd when you are applying for University or employment. Your confidence and independence will develop and self-awareness of your own potential. Good luck with finding your placement