1 Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance (ODMR) and its Application to -Conjugated Materials and Organic Light-Emitting Devices (OLEDs) Joseph Shinar March 30, 2009
ODMR in One Sentence: Monitor wave-induced changes in an optical quantity at the field for resonance. Since “optical quantity” can mean different quantities, ODMR is an umbrella term, meaning we can measure, e.g., * Photoluminescence (PL)-detected magnetic resonance (PLDMR) * Electroluminescence (EL)-detected magnetic resonance (ELDMR) * Absorption-detected magnetic resonance (ADMR) * Photoinduced absorption (PA)-detected magnetic resonance (PADMR) 2
Similarly, Electrically Detected Magnetic Resonance (EDMR) in One Sentence: Monitor wave-induced changes in an electrical quantity at the field for resonance. And similarly,, EDMR is an umbrella term, e.g., * Current or Conductivity-detected magnetic resonance (CDMR) * Photoconductivity-detected magnetic resonance (PCDMR) 3
4 Now consider basic electronic processes in an organic semiconductor, i.e., a -conjugated material. GROUND STATE P2 P1 absorption k nr k r (PL 0-0 ) ISC (a) 11Bu11Bu m3Ag13Bum3Ag13Bu TRIPLETSINGLET POLARON (EXCITON)(EXCITON) MANIFOLDMANIFOLDEXCITONS p+p-p+p- T Charge Transfer Phosphorescence 0-0 ( a) Intersystem Crossing 11Ag11Ag m1Agm1Ag
5 A Typical PLDMR Spectrometer:
6 The positive (PL-enhancing) spin 1/2 polaron pair PLDMR at g = 2 The positive PLDMR in poly(3-hexyl thiophene) (P3HT) and poly(3-dodecyl thiophene) (P3DT) films and solutions. L. S. Swanson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1140 (1990).
7 The full-field ( m = 1) triplet powder-pattern PLDMR.
8 And the half-field ( m = 2) triplet powder-pattern PLDMR…
9 Similar Polaron pair PLDMR at g = 2 of m-LPPP and PHP PL / PL of Photo-oxidized m-LPPP I PL /I PL = 1.4 x m-LPPP I PL /I PL = 3.3 x PHP I PL /I PL = 8 x E. J. W. List et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 2083 (2000).
10 PADMR of m-LPPP films [scan probe energy at constant magnetic field; monitor microwave induced changes in the photoinduced absorption (PA)].
11 1 st Expt: mw -dependence of Regular PLDMR of MEH-PPV Single modulation PLDMR PL/PL vs the microwave modulation frequency f M. The dashed line is a single lifetime fit w/ = 38 s; the solid line is a two- lifetime fit w/ 1 = 24 s, 2 = 244 s.
12 Note: negative carrier electron (e - ) negative polaron (p - ) radical anion positive carrier hole (h + ) positive polaron (p - ) radical cation
13 Monomolecular nonradiative quenching processes Quenching of excited states [singlet excitons (SEs) and triplet excitons (TEs)] by the cathode & anode. Electric field-induced quenching (via dissociation) of SEs (and TEs?). Quenching by impurities.
14 Bimolecular nonradiative quenching processes Quenching of SEs by TEs and by polarons Quenching of TEs by polarons.
15 Other results that bear on quenching mechanisms 1. Double modulation (DM) PLDMR (DM-PLDMR) 2. Joint thermally-stimulated luminescence (TSL) + PLDMR 3. PLDMR of the small molecules tris(8-hydroxy quinoline) Al (Alq 3 ) & 4,4'-bis(2,2'-diphenylvinyl)-1,1'-biphenyl (DPVBi) Alq 3 DPVBi
16 Double Modulation PLDMR (DM-PLDMR) [M. K. Lee et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, (2005) M. Segal et al., Phys. Rev. B 71, (2005)] Modulate the laser power exciting the sample at laser. Monitor, via output of Lockin amplifier #2, the PL that is faster than Laser [PL( LaserPR )] Detect the PLDMR of PL( Laser ) via Lockin #1, referenced by the microwaves, which are modulated at w.
18 Any contribution to the PL from delayed PL with lifetime > 1/f L is filtered out of the output by Lockin #2. That output is connected to Lockin #1, synchronized to f M = 200 Hz. As f L increases to 100 kHz, the spin 1/2 PLDMR due to delayed PL of polaron pairs with 10 s should decrease to zero. In contrast, the PLDMR due to quenching should remain essentially unchanged.
19 Note: DM-PLDMR vs L = 2 f L, which is a measurement in the frequency domain, is equivalent to time-resolved PLDMR vs t, which is a measurement in the time domain.
20 2 nd Expt: DM-PLDMR of MEH-PPV vs Laser Dashed line: Behavior predicted by the delayed PL model. Behavior predicted by the quenching model is flat, as observed.
21 2. New combined thermally-stimulated luminescence (TSL) & PLDMR study of a PPV derivative Note that TSL is due to photogenerated polarons which are trapped at low temperature, detrapped by warming up, find each other, & recombine. Some of those which recombine to SEs yield the TSL. In other words, the TSL is delayed PL due to nongeminate polaron recombination – the very mechanism invoked by Wohlgenannt & Vardeny as the origin of the positive spin ½ PLDMR & negative spin ½ PADMR.
22 Consider poly[ 2-(N-carbazolyl)-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (CzEh-PPV)
23 TSL & PLDMR of CzEh-PPV
24 Note: Rise in TSL is not due to increased absorption
25 exc = 458 nm nm
26 UV-excited spin-1/2 PDLMR at different microwave modulation frequencies. Note the growth of the quenching lower microwave chopping frequencies.
27 Behavior similar to positive spin 1/2 PLDMR in polymers – cannot be due to delayed PL mechanism. G. Li et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, (2004). 3. PLDMR of Alq 3 & DPVBi
33 ELDMREDMR ITO/ TPD/Alq 3 /buffer/Al AlOx buffer CsF buffer G. Li et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, (2004); Phys. Rev. B 71, (2005).
34 Summary ODMR is a powerful tool to study the dynamics of polarons, bipolarons, trions, TEs, and SEs in -conjugated materials & OLEDs.