Reminders: Fri, April 19: exit interview for Seniors with counselors during first half of class. You will be released after I take roll. Next week: TAKS testing Tues-Wed- Thurs. Twenty-five minute classes in the afternoon. Tues, April 23: you must have finished reading “A Rose for Emily” when you arrive to class. Pp in blue Bedford book.
Objectives: To offer interpretations of the play with direct evidence from the text. To respond to multiple-choice questions and an essay question similar to those that will appear on the AP Exam.
Today’s Agenda: Go over homework discussion questions and discuss further examples of Techniques of comedy within the play. Test: multiple-choice and essay. You will need to use your notes and the packet of the play.
Ten Minutes: Find a partner and quickly discuss the following in preparation for our discussion: - one theme you saw in the play - one symbol -compare answers to discussion questions and Dialectal Journal of Comedy