California’s Water Supply Chris Scheuring California Farm Bureau Federation
Or, why are these two guys flying around in a helicopter?
Physical Reality
Physical Reality v. 2
Prior Appropriation Doctrine Settling the West “First in Time, First in Right” Claim it, Build it, Use it Most Senior Rights are Generally Ag Desert Land Act of 1877
California Constitution Article X, Section 2 Waters of State –“Fullest Beneficial Use” –BUT: No “Waste” No “Unreasonable Use”
“Reclamation” Reclamation Act of 1902 “If We Build It, You Will Come” Affirmative Federal Action
State and Federal Projects Central Valley Project –Shasta Dam & Reser. –Sacramento River –Delta Pumping –Canal –Service to SJ Valley Agricultural Customers State Water Project –Oroville Dam & Res. –Feather & Sacramento Rivers –Delta Pumping –Canal –Service to SJ Ag and Urban Southern California
Colorado River 1/3 of Southern California’s Supply Colorado River: “Law of the River” –7 States divided into Upper and Lower Basin –14 million acre feet apportioned –California: 4.4 maf –California: using 5.3 maf via “surplus” water –California: must ramp down
One Planet
Environmental Overlay Federal ESA Clean Water Act Fish & Game Code –Section 5937 –Section 1602 Article X, Section 2 –Waste & Unreasonable Use –New Deployment
Global Warming
Solutions? Infrastructure? –Canals & Dams ESA Reform? –One fish too many? Water Rights “Reform”? –Change the Rules Conservation/Efficiency?