A Horror story about me: I am sorry don’t have pictures to share. But this is a real horror story mine encounter some where during 1987 middle east.
On one fine evening I had just returned from my evening walk. following my supper and watching BBC I being a medical personnel cares for about 1000 add soldiers. One of the troop was on field exercise a soldier got chest pain and got message. That he is actually seriously ill and feeling distress and breathless. In
After a negotiations with air force Decides to shift him to base command Hospital. When helicopter arrived I went With my medical kits and tool. After examining him with portable Defibrillator, found his was stable cardiac wise but very anxious and I gave Simple first aid including Oxygen therapy And reassurance.
We took off from desert in the middle Night that too on a new moon day. All of a sudden the helicopter stopped on the way. On seeing, it had landed on a Pinnacle of hill and people were rushing Towards us with weapons in their hands. We were surprised especially me being unarmed and an expatriate. My heart Started pounding and thought end has come near!
Later on enquiry came to know that it was Pilot’s maiden flight and wanted to show off To his villagers, but I was further panicked as my patient started yelling a me with agony. I told the pilot he situation and asked him to take off and reach the command hospital as soon as possible. Reluctantly he took off only to land after an hour though the distance could have been covered in 15 minutes!
Some how the patient and safely landed In the hospital and it needless to say we both were well and after a few days the soldier in question was out of hospital and Returned to me to greet and thank me.
A few later a similar nature of thing Happened and the pilot lost life and the Fighter plain perished, as the pilot was new and wanted to show off his skills to his tribal people and paid the price.
Yet another similar episode happened in which the pilot was recently Promoted and assumed first pilot of an civil airplane, which was carrying more than 200 civilians who were returning following school vacation from Cairo and lost control and crashed in sea including the pilot who misjudged and was responsible for The tragedy.
Moral is a over confidence can kill self And others. So don’t be proud and be humble and sincere to your job and God will guide you to safety. This episode has Left me a very bad scar on my psyche and since I too learnt a lesson and remain Vigilance always. (I was not having the Camera and can not attach pictures)