Nano-Engineering of Polymers for Photonic & Electronic Applications Larry R. Dalton, University of Washington, DMR 0905686 The organization of electro-optic.


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Presentation transcript:

Nano-Engineering of Polymers for Photonic & Electronic Applications Larry R. Dalton, University of Washington, DMR The organization of electro-optic dendrimers into polymer lattices of reduced dimensionality (and higher acentric order) is achieved by theory-inspired incorporation of spatially-anisotropic dipolar (e.g., coumarin-coumarin) and quadrupolar (e.g., arene-perfluoroarene) interactions into dendrimers. New techniques for measuring centric and acentric order parameters and reduced lattice dimensionality have been introduced. New processing methodology, including laser-assisted electric field poling, have been introduced to further enhance desired molecular organization and lattice symmetry. All efforts have been guided by multi-scale (quantum and statistical mechanics) theoretical methods leading to a systematic paradigm for the rational nano-engineering of soft matter materials. Novel new device concepts, including sub-wavelength ( ) horizontal slot silicon photonics, plasmonic, and metamaterial devices, have been used to further enhance opto-electronic performance of new materials. 100 mV drive voltage and high bandwidth performance has been realized for several types of electro-optic devices. Low optical loss plasmonic and metamaterial device architectures have been demonstrated. Acentric order = 97% Figure 1. Laser-assisted electric field poling (orientationally-selective melting of self-assembling materials showing evolution from complete disorder to nearly perfect acentric order is shown. Figure 2. TE and TM optical mode profiles in 25 nm silicon horizontal slot waveguides are shown.

Nano-Engineering of Polymers for Photonic & Electronic Applications Larry R. Dalton, University of Washington, DMR Broader impact activities range from enhancing economic competitiveness and national security (through translation of state-of-the-art optoelectronic materials and devices to industry and national security organizations) to workforce and diversity enhancement (through serving on advisory boards of minority- serving institutions of higher education and participation in secondary education outreach programs in the greater Seattle area). Professor Dalton also serves as a consultant to Germany’s Excellence Initiative, the Hong Kong Research Council, the Arizona Medical Research Commission, and the Chemistry Department of Georgia Tech as well as serving on advisory boards of Federal agencies. He is co-founder of the Center for Technology Entrepreneurship at UW and a Research Fellow of the Business School. He is frequently invited to address community groups and is asked to comment of technology by national and international business publications. He has been honored by six professional societies (ACS, MRS, OSA, IEEE, SPIE, and AAAS) including receiving the 2011 Pauling Prize/Medal (ACS). His research on electro-optics was highlighted as one of the most significant achievement of the decade in the Dec. issue of C&E News. Figure. Professor Dalton serves as chair of the EAB (see above) for the NSU NSF-CREST and NSF-RISE programs as well as serving on the EABs of other NSF, DoE, and NASA center programs at NSU. He serves on the EAB for the NSU Ph.D. program in MS&E and the Center for Materials Research