ROOT WORDS Sym-, Syn-: together, same. Symbiosis A relationship between two different organisms that live together and depend on each other.


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Presentation transcript:

ROOT WORDS Sym-, Syn-: together, same

Symbiosis A relationship between two different organisms that live together and depend on each other

Symmetry Having the same shape, size, and position on both sides of a dividing line

Sympathy Feeling kindness together with someone who suffers; pity; commiseration; compassion

Symposium A conference or meeting together to discuss a topic

Symptoms The conditions that together tell a doctor what is wrong

Synagogue A place for meeting together for worship and religious instruction in the Jewish faith

Syndicate A group of business people working together

Synonym A word that has the same meaning as another word

Synthesis Parts put together to make a whole

Synthetic Formed together from artificial parts; not genuine; fake

The End!!! Take your grammar folders home nightly to study for your test on Friday!