My Ambitions for Nursing Ros Moore Chief Nursing Officer Scottish Government.


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Presentation transcript:

My Ambitions for Nursing Ros Moore Chief Nursing Officer Scottish Government

National Context “A Scotland Where Everyone Can Flourish Through Increasing Sustainable Economic Growth.” Wealthier and Fairer Smarter Healthier Safer and Stronger Greener (Better Health Better Care: Action Plan,Scottish Government 2007)

Why we need action

Patients and public rightly demand and expect high quality care – but it remains highly variable - National Patient Surveys - Mid Staffs / Maidstone / Six Lives and others - VoL/ombudsmen/Scottish Patients Association reports etc)

Why we need action Changing health economies – To do more with the same

Why we need action National demographics

Why we need action Nursing and midwifery teams really are key to the quality strategy – harness that force

our vision and values –share a common purpose –care about our patients, their carers and families –promote health and well being –care with compassion –care with dignity and respect –care about outcomes –care about what we do and the way we do it

Have to show we live them? Ellen 76 yrs Wife of Harry Mother + Grandmother Fit & well until # neck of femur Now ….

Why we need action We have the evidence & we know ‘what’ to do….

My three ambitions  To use taxpayer money wisely so that we come out the other end of this with better care and better services agreed through real partnerships with our staff, service users & communities  Achieved by getting the routine high impact nursing interventions right - all the time through productivity prevention and innovation.  We stay connected to the workforce, their values & motivations

caring and compassionate health services collaborating with patients and everyone working for and with NHSScotland providing a clean and safe care environment improved access and continuity of care confidence and trust in healthcare services delivering clinical excellence The QS is the opportunity to tackle some of these enduring problems

Needs Vision Collective leadership Partnerships with patients professions, agencies & stakeholders Accountability Competence Measurement and monitoring Assurance

In the magic box reduced hospitalisation standardisation technology reducing clinical error and harm waste reduction reduce variation in outcomes & experience systematic application of what works measurement