Sedation Protocol Dr Samir Sahu
Introduction All patients should be sedated before any procedure & during ventilation to prevent discomfort and pain according to their requirement (patient oriented analgesia & sedation) Try non-pharmacological measures like good compassionate & considerate nursing care, communication & counseling, allaying anxiety, visit by family members, natural daylight etc.
Assess all patients for need for analgesia and or sedation.
SHORT TERM SEDATION Intubation, Central line insertion, Intercostal drainage, Tracheostomy, Short term ventilation. Agents - Midazolam 2.5mg-5mg IV bolus. SEDATION > 24 hrs – Midazolam boluses or Propofol infusion.
PROLONGED SEDATION(Long Term) SEDATION (> 72 hours) ONGOING SEDATION : Lora 1- 4mg IV bolus minutes till goal is achieved then every 2-6 hrs If requirment of Lorazepam is more frequent than 2 hrs start Midazolam infusion, increase every 15 minutes till you achieve goal. Reduce infusion rate 10-25% daily OR Propofol 5mcg/Kg/min infusion. Titrate every 5 minutes until goal Convert to Lora after 3 days Dose - Midazolam infusion mg/Kg/hr. - Propofol-1-3mg/kg/hr If sedation is not adequate or analgesia is required can use Morphine 2-5mg IV bolus or Fentanyl mcg IV bolus or Butrum 1-2mg IV bolus
RAMSAY SEDATION SCORE 1.Anxious and agitated or restless or both 2.Cooperative, Oriented, Tranquil 3.Drowsy, responds to verbal command only 4.Asleep, brisk response to light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus 5.Asleep, sluggish response to light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus 6.Asleep, no response to light glabellar tap or loud auditory stimulus (Record sedation score hourly)
DAILY INTERRUPTION OF SEDATION Stop infusion daily at 7 am. Restart if required by giving bolus & then infusion at 10-25% less then the previous dose If not able to stop sedation daily morning or sedation score is more than 3 then reason has to be stated. Audit compliance of the guideline
SUDDEN & URGENT AGITATION Propofol mg IV bolus/Midazolam 2.5mg IV in 5-15 minutes till acute event controlled Acute Confusional State - exclude hypoxia, hepatic encephalopathy
ANALGESIA Morphine, Fentanyl, Butrum. Patient controlled analgesia. Perioperative use of Epidural analgesia. Haemodynamically unstable - Fentanyl mcg every minutes. Haemodynamically stable - Morphine 2.5mg IV every 5-15 min
Neuroparalytic Agents NEUROMUSCULAR agents rarely used. They are mostly required for neuro cases and sometimes in ARDS Neurointensive care - neuroparalytic agents along with sedation may be required to reduce ICP & maintained PCO2 between mm Hg
DELIRIUM Haloperidol