The Field of ESOL Virginia Adult Educator Certification Program
World Englishes
Inner Circle England Ireland United States Australia New Zealand Canada Outer Circle India Pakistan Nigeria Philippines Expanding Circle Most of the rest of the world
The Teaching of World Englishes ESL ESOLEFL
The Foreign-born Population in the United States Pew Hispanic Center, 2007 U.S.Virginia Total population 301,621,0007,712,000 Native- born 263,572,7036,938,215 Foreign- born 38,048,456773,785 %
Virginia’s Foreign-born 10 % (773,785) of Virginia's population in % of Virginia's civilian employed workforce in 2006 Virginia ranks 11th in U.S. More than 80 % are in Virginia legally.
Virginia’s Foreign-born Frederick (5th) and Loudoun (9th) Counties, VA ranked in the top ten U.S. counties for percent growth in foreign-born population (2000 to 2006). The largest share were from Asia (39.8%). 36% from Latin America The top three countries of birth: – El Salvador – Mexico – Korea
English Proficiency of Virginia Residents
The Cost of Low English Proficiency The Lexington Institute
The Cost of Low English Proficiency Quick Facts Currently over 11 million ELLs in U.S. with over 5 million in elementary and secondary schools An estimated 113,569 students fail to graduate each year due only to lack of English skills. LEP wage penalty between 3.8% and 38.6 % Nearly $65 billion in earnings lost annually due to inadequate English skills for LEP adults.
ESOL + Adult Education Service Providers: Local Programs Community- based Programs Community Colleges Prisons and Jails
OAEL (VA) Funded Programs TOTAL STUDENTS 68 Programs Reported Fiscal year ABE11,354 ASE4,574 ESOL15,012 Total30,940
ESL Degrees and Certificates MA TESL K12 Endorsement BA TESL BEd with TESL Emphasis PhD TESL PhD Applied Linguistics Professional Certificates
Research in Second Language Acquisition Applied Linguistics Socio- linguistics Psycho- linguistics Phonetics Corpus Linguistics Neuro- linguistics
Sites Consulted Pew Hispanic Center – Migration Policy Institute –
The Field of ESOL Virginia Adult Educator Certification Program