AP Calculus BC September 2, 2015 Day 3 - §1.4 Continuity and One-Sided Limits.


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Presentation transcript:

AP Calculus BC September 2, 2015 Day 3 - §1.4 Continuity and One-Sided Limits

Entry Task Use three post-its to provide example graphs of: One function that is continuous Two functions that are not continuous Put your Post-its up on the whiteboards at the back of the room.

Learning Targets  I can apply the concepts of continuity and one-sided limits to analyze functions.  I defined continuity, and determined continuity at a point and on open-and closed intervals.  I correctly evaluated one-sided limits.  I explained and used the Intermediate Value Theorem to analyze functions.

Review Assignment #2 Discuss Assignment #2 with your elbow partner. What questions do you have? Did you solve the problems differently? When you are done, turn in Assignment #2.

Continuous Functions Which functions are continuous? Which functions are not continuous? What are characteristics of discontinuous functions? How can that help us define continuous functions?

Intermediate Value Theorem How do we know that f(x)=x 3 – 6x 2 + 5x + 12 has a zero on the interval [2, 3.5]?

Assignment #3 Due tomorrow Do §1.4 #8, 11, 47, 54, 55, 67, 91, 94, 115 Due by September 8 (next Tuesday) Show me your signed syllabus page