AIS Chapter 10 Physiological recovery
Compression clothing Wearing hr Full-body or lower/upper limbs May ↓creatine kinase, ↓muscle soreness Some studies showed no effect NOT more effective than other recovery interventions No study measured compression forces
Hydrotherapy Cold water immersion: usually ice pack or ice- water, common for acute soft tissue injuries – ↓inflammation, ↓spasm and pain, ↓core/tissue temperature Hot water immersion: > 37 C, effect unclear Contrast water therapy: C and C – Alternate cold and hot water immersion – Widely used – ↓edema through pumping action by alternating peripheral vasoconstriction and vasodilation – May ↓DOMS, better restoration of strength
Pool recovery Active recovery, walking and stretching in pool – Active recovery in non-weight bearing condition ↓muscle stiffness, soreness – Widely used in eccentric muscle damage and contact sports
Massage Mechanical manipulation of body tissues with rhythmical pressure and stroking ↓muscle tension and stiffness, ↓anxiety ↑healing of injured muscle and ligaments, ↑flexibility and range of motion, ↑relaxation NOT many scientific evidence
Stretching 伸展 Commonly used, but sometimes ignored Most studies did NOT show recovery effect in short-term VERY IMPORTANT in the long-term to prevent muscle and ligament injury/imbalance
Massage Mechanisms – Biomechanical: ↑muscle-tendon compliance by mobilizing and elongating shortened or adhered connective tissue – Physiological: skin friction ↑blood flow, ↑parasympathetic nervous system, ↓HR, ↓BP – Neurological: gate control theory of pain: activation of skin receptor may block the information to the brain from pain receptors
Active recovery Integral component of physical recovery Walking, jogging, cycling, swimming at low intensity ↓ muscle soreness, ↓ DOMS ↑ lactate removal, but little practical value Studies showed that active recovery, water immersion may be similarly effective
Conclusion Combination of recovery strategies Stretching is VERY IMPORTANT Active recovery necessary Sometimes add hydrotheraphy
Water immersion