Connect all nine dots with only four straight line segments without losing contact with the paper while drawing?
Global Warming World Health International Trade International Finance Terrorism Regional Conflict Mgt. Gender/Minority Rights Child Labor Comic Strip Dramatic Presentation 3-D Model of a community Online exchange Visual Press conference TV Ad
Graphic Abilities Ability to interpret graphs, charts, pictures, symbols, maps… Ability to make connections between visuals and written text Ability to organize information Ability to create symbols Ability to represent complex ideas visually Ability to summarize written text Ability to use color to convey meaning Ability to be creative and problem solve Ability to use scale to illustrate relationships
3 Types of Cards in Packet Activity Card Directions… Discussion Questions Task Evaluation Criteria Context… Historical context Context-setting card for topic All must read Resource Cards 4 of 6 Readings Visuals Make a plan
Introduce all group members by name and role Briefly explains group topic and key words for understanding the presentation Explain the task, i.e., Press conference on Terrorism addressing…. Everyone Gives Information (equal speaking times) Presentation is 6 to 8 minutes