You can sit anywhere. But…You cannot move chairs around.
Did you write down (copy) your list of classes already?
About Ms. Arteaga: Sixth year teaching at Gage Middle School. Grew up in Huntington Park and South Gate. Currently live in South Gate.
My husband, my 8 year old son, and me. Works at Fremont High School Will be a 3rd grader at San Antonio Elementary
About Ms. Arteaga: I went to South Gate Middle and South Gate High School Tried my best in school and got straight As.
Report Card of Ms. Arteaga’s sister
Great Grades Got Me $.13 Million
Index card and Student Questionnaire 1. Fold index card in half. Write your first and last name on BOTH sides of the card. Place it in your table. 2. Fill out the Student Questionnaire. You have 14 minutes.
“Welcome to Math” Packet
Class Rules 1. Respect classmates, adults and environment. If teacher is talking or teaching, you are listening and NOT talking. No profanity and no put-downs. Words or sounds that make a person feel down The quiet signal is: Ms. Arteaga raises her hand. What do you do if someone else is talking when they are not supposed to?
Class Rules 2.Be on time with all materials and ready to work. You must be sitting down in your assigned seat before the bell rings or else you are late. 1st tardy = warning 2nd = notify parent 3rd = referral to counselor 4th = detention for 1 hour 5th = parent conference If you are late you have to stand in front of the room until I ask you to sit down.
Everyday, you need to have: Materials will be checked on Monday. Spiral notebook with 70 pages or more (for use in math only) 2 sharpened pencils with eraser 1 inch or bigger binder Dividers Agenda Red pen In Geometry: Protractor, compass, scientific calculator
Materials Check
Notes Check
Class Rules Do not shout out answers. Be patient if I do not give you permission to talk right away. (raise your hand). 3. Ask permission to speak or leave your seat raise your hand. If you need to throw away trash, sharpen a pencil, give something to someone, or get up for any other reason, you need to
Class Rules 4. No food No drinks (water ok), No gum (no “wanna be camels”) No type of electronic items Cell phone must be OFF and put away
If you chew gum: 1st time: warning 2nd time: copy pink paper 3rd time: Paper pick up 4th time: Call home 5th time: Detention for 1 hour 6th time: Detention again 7th time: Parent Conference If you have your cell phone ON or OUT: 1st time: pick up after school 2nd time: parent comes to pick it up
Class Rules 5.The teacher (not the bell) dismisses the class.
For math class: Only one bathroom pass per semester. To get permission to go to the restroom, you need YOUR AGENDA (It is your pass). You will stay 10 minutes after-school if you go to the restroom more than once. No backpacks on tables. Everything you want to give Ms. Arteaga goes in the RED BOX (PRC, daily, assignments).
Homework: ****All math homeworks must be signed by your parent/guardian.**** If you are absent, it is your responsibility to submit the assignment you were supposed to turn in the day you were absent. For assignments assigned on the day(s) you were absent: If you are absent 1 day you get 1 extra day to submit in the assignment. If you are absent 2 days you get 2 extra days to submit in the assignment(s). You have to remember!! To submit late/missing assignments: You have to stay 1 hour after school with Ms. Arteaga or at the Homework Help Center (bring proof that you stayed). Late/missing assignments get 1/2 credit. “I don’t get i t” are not acceptable excuses. If you feel you are unable to complete the assignment, you can copy all the examples in the book to get credit for it.
On the first page, highlight: Homework Help box and Materials Needed On page 2, highlight: Where it says that your parent/guardian has to sign all your math homeworks (both, English and Spanish sides). How much test/quizzes are worth. Where your parent has to sign