Delivering Knowledge for Health Enabling Learning for Healthcare Delivery Virtual Learning Centre Ann Lees, Information Services Manager, KSG
Delivering Knowledge for Health What is the Virtual Learning Centre? Selected learning resources Aimed at non-clinical as well as clinical staff Sections on – How to study and learn – Core skills – IT and information skills – Management skills – Life skills – Support for all Knowledge and Skills Framework dimensions – Libraries and Learning Centres
Delivering Knowledge for Health What it isn’t Not a virtual/managed learning environment (V/MLE) –doesn’t track user or keep record of learning Not intended to replace (physical) Learning Centres –we can’t provide one-to-one support on using resources Not a list of prescribed resources –these are suggestions, individual must decide how useful/appropriate Not a finished, unalterable product! –Feedback, suggestions, even complaints welcome
Delivering Knowledge for Health Using the sections Each section offers: index to subsections text on the whole topic search across whole of VLC
Delivering Knowledge for Health Using sections (2) Each subsection has its own background/explanatory text And a list of external resources for further reading, activities, etc.
Delivering Knowledge for Health Support for KSF
Delivering Knowledge for Health Support for KSF (2) Each set of dimensions offers a link to the full text of the Knowledge and Skills Framework on Department of Health web site.
Delivering Knowledge for Health Support for KSF (3) Each dimension has a summary of the area covered by the dimension, and a list (arranged alphabetically) of resources associated with the dimension at any level.
Delivering Knowledge for Health Support for KSF (4) When the mouse moves over the KSF logo, the dimensions a resource is associated with are displayed - e.g. Core dimension 2, Personal and people development General dimension 1, Learning and development
Delivering Knowledge for Health Support for KSF (5) - some resources can be linked with a particular level of a dimension - but not every level has unique resources What about dimension levels?
Delivering Knowledge for Health Resource description in the VLC The short record gives an indication of the subject of the resource, and whether it is a text, online course, or website – also what registration formalities there may be.
Delivering Knowledge for Health LearnDirect and the VLC The Virtual Learning Centre includes details of courses offered by LearnDirect Scotland, and users can apply to for an access code There is a downloadable guide to registration, giving advice and including the security keyword needed for registration
Delivering Knowledge for Health LearnDirect Scotland courses After registering, users can search for courses they are interested in on the LearnDirect Scotland site. find out more about each one choose a course by clicking on the “add to shopping cart” link
Delivering Knowledge for Health LearnDirect Scotland courses (2) ask for an authorisation code for each course they wish to follow despite the ‘£’ signs, there is no charge to the user! confirm their selection
Delivering Knowledge for Health LearnDirect Scotland Courses (3) Users can check the courses they have selected, and resume any that has not been completed.
Delivering Knowledge for Health Libraries and Learning Centres This section offers contact details for both libraries and learning centres in Health Board regions. - some offer both types of service, some only one
Delivering Knowledge for Health Please get in touch! Ann Lees KSG LearnDirect support Learn Direct Scotland