Me llamo Gonzalo Gallardo. ¿Cómo te llamas?
Arrive on time and begin working on an entry activity Participate in all classroom activities Bring your materials to every class (3-ring binder, paper, writing implements) Leave your cell phone and electronics in your locker before coming to class
The 9-week plan for this quarter is on my website, on the school’s main site We will have short assessments almost every week, and at least one project per quarter— use your agenda! On my website: additional resources, practice activities, study tips, etc. (Check for updates!)
If you need to use the bathroom, drink water, etc: bring your agenda for me to sign. Sign out before you exit, and sign in when you return
Assessments: 1. Quizzes = 10 points 2. Exams = 25 points 3. Projects = 25+ points Retakes: Mandatory for any score below 70% You may retake one quiz/exam per quarter in which you scored above 70%
Also on my website: guided practice activities for the different topics we cover You need to complete the guided practice for an assessment before you are allowed to retake it
Clave: a rhythmic pattern used in Afro-Cuban music CLAVE = SILENCE & PENCILS DOWN If the teacher or a classmate is addressing the class, the rest of us will listen quietly
Me Gusta! stamps: A reward for your good work and enthusiasm! You will be able to redeem your stamps in exchange for ROARS, candy or Spanish- themed prizes! Please redeem your stamps at the end of the block
You are expected to: Uphold our School’s behavior standards during class Show respect for yourself, your classmates and your teacher
Please complete the questionnaire individually 5 minutos
What do you want to be in the future…? Write at least 3 ways in which Spanish can enhance your future goal E.g. Musician: 1. Sing Spanish lyrics 2. Play with Hispanic musicians 3. Communicate with Hispanic fans
Keep this handout at the front of your binder for quick reference You are expected to be familiar with these expressions, and to use them as needed
You will have a ruled handout, to be placed as the last page of your binder This is where you will jot down words you want to remember, “passwords,” etc.
Words or common Spanish phrases that we will use throughout the year Passwords will be written on the board for every class. You are expected to write it down in Mi Diccionario, use it during the day, and incorporate it to your vocabulary!
There are no bad questions Not sure of an instruction? Just ask! Ask in Spanish to the fullest possible extent: e.g. say “¿Cómo se dice dog?” instead of “How do you say dog?”
Unsure on how to go about studying for an assessment? Ask me! I guarantee you will be more productive in your study, and enjoy the class even more! It’s easiest to talk to me briefly at the end of class to schedule a time for extra help
Fold and write your name with a marker (first and last) You can pick a Spanish nickname if you wish (put the nickname in quotations) Ejemplo: Peter “Pedro” Smith Keep your tag, and bring it to class!
LAST NAME, FIRST NAME Spanish class block Do you have internet access at home? Home contact information (mom’s and/or dad’s addresses)