Let’s learn colors! © Mr. Craft’s Spanish CrossRoads Middle School
What color is this? I am going to show you pictures of everyday things, your job is to tell me the Spanish word for the color of the thing!
So, you figuring this out? It’s not so hard!
So far, so good? Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Ready to keep going?
Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Brown = marrón
Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Brown = marrón Orange = anaranjado
Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Brown = marrón Orange = anaranjado Green = verde
Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Brown = marrón Orange = anaranjado Green = verde Pink = rosado
Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Brown = marrón Orange = anaranjado Green = verde Pink = rosado Purple = morado
Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Brown = marrón Orange = anaranjado Green = verde Purple = morado Red = rojo
Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Brown = marrón Orange = anaranjado Green = verde Pink = rosado Purple = morado Red = rojo Yellow = amarillo
What colors do you see? There are three distinct colors in the tomatos, did you see them all? Orange? Red? Yellow?
So far, so good? Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Brown = marrón Orange = anaranjado Green = verde Pink = rosado Purple = morado Red = rojo Yellow = amarillo White = blanco
Know these!!! Let’s review! Black = negro Blue = azul Brown = marrón Orange = anaranjado Green = verde Pink = rosado Purple = morado Red = rojo Yellow = amarillo White = blanco