Contemporary Societal relationships Emelie Coleman
Recreation In Cape Patterson people interact with the environment as a type of resource. People seem to view the environment as a gymnasium, as it’s a place they can go to and participate in a range of recreational activities. In Cape Patterson people participate in a range of activities such as, snorkelling, surfing, fiving, boating, bike riding, fishing, bush walking, photography, painting and bird watching. They also see the land needing to be protected, so they use resources such as these that have little impact on the environment. Positive: Impacts on the environment such as making walking tracks and infrastructure are positive as they are aimed to protect parts of the land where people may go or walk around if these impacts weren’t put in place. It limits people as to where they are and aren’t allowed to go to have little impact on the environment. Negative: Loss of native flora and fauna due to removing parts of the land due to making infrastructure. People use this environment by using it as a way to have fun and adventure new things whilst learning new skills. They see this environment as a resource to recreation and a way to create fun activities whilst being physically fit and active. They use strategies to allow minimal impact on the environment whilst still using it as a way to embark on fun activities.
Conservation. In Cape Patterson there are conservation centres close to the Cape Patterson surroundings where it aims at informing people and allowing them to gain knowledge as to why they need to protect and conserve the land so they don’t overuse resources or damage the land in any way. This allows people to see the land as a temple, something they want to protect for many years to come and have minimal impact on. There are also marine parks which help in making things such as walking tracks where people are able to walk whilst viewing the land at minimal impact, and also protecting native flora and fauna from human interaction. The interactions of conservation are, national parks, conservation centres, Bunarong marine parks, walking tracks. Positive: The Bunarong national park impacted the environment in a positive way as they introduced signs and walking tracks around the Cape Patterson surroundings so people have as little impact with the natural environment as possible. They put in rules and regulations for people to follow as to where and where they are not allowed to go. Negative: Due to more tracks being built the population will increase which will impact areas which have to be cleared away for those tracks to be built. Due to the people that a societal relationship of conservation in Cape Patterson, allows them to have minimal impact as they aim at protecting and conserving the land rather than using it as a resource. They see the land of Cape Patterson as a place that needs to have minimal impact from human interaction and instead protection by humans. By implanting walking tracks and signs they are allowing the natural environment to be seen and used by the population but at as little impact as possible and limits humans as to where they can go.
Primary industries. In Cape Patterson people relate to the natural environment through primary industries. By Interacting in primary industries such as fishing, boat trips, and coal mines, they are using the environment as a type of resource which allows them to gain money or experiences. This allows people to gain certain jobs around that area by using the environment which helps attracting people to visit that area. This also helps cape Patterson grow as a place, as it becomes more commercialised and known to people as these primary industries attract more people. Primary industries in Cape Patterson can include, fishing, boat trips around the area, coal mines, bushwalking groups. These industries allow people to learn about the natural environment around cape Patterson, whilst people are still using the environment as a resource. Positive: The positive effects is that people are learning about the environment, whilst people gain an income in teaching them. This allows both groups of people to gain something from the natural environment. Negative: Negative effects would be that the natural environment may be overused in ways of fishing, the impact of boats have effects on the ocean, fish and coral, there has to be walking paths and signs installed in order to allow people to venture the environment, which would impact the environment as they must clear away parts of the environment in order to have these out in place.
Tourism Practices. Tourism Practices in Cape Patterson are aimed at attracting more tourist to enjoy what Cape Patterson has to bring. This includes using the natural environment as a resource in a way to promote Cape Patterson and have more people to enjoy the environment. People participate in tourism practices such as, learning to surf and snorkel, fishing activites and bushwalking. These activites allow tourists to see the beauty of this natural environment and learn about it whilst interacting with it. Positive: Allows people to see the beauty of the natural environment and see what perspective they can gain from it. Negative: In order to use the environment as a tourism practice they must use the environment as a resource which may effect the environment and flora and fauna living in it, due to people interaction.