Bear Program Planning Heather Bowen Mulvihill 1
Responsibilities as a Leader: Work with other den leaders in your Pack Plan, prepare and conduct your den meetings Utilize an asst. den leader Share responsibility Records Contacts Details den chief Assistant Helper Role model Friend Link to Boy Scouts Ensure den chief is recognized for his efforts 2
Responsibilities part 2: Utilize the denner Rotate the position Asst. leader Lead opening Provide snacks Give meaningful responsibilities Attend monthly Pack leader meetings communicate Lead the den at the monthly Pack meeting Ensure transition to WEBS rank 3
Programming Year: September to May Numbered Plans are for the program/school year Include rank advancement meeting twice a month Homework Lettered supplements Year round meetings or more than twice per month Meeting plans are a fast track to rank advancement 4
Numbered Meeting Plans: Den Meeting No.Bear Den Meeting Plans Requirements/Electives Covered *HA = Home/family assignment 1 Bobcat, The Past Is Exciting and Important, and Building Muscles Do: Bobcat 1–7. Achievements 8c, 8d, 8g, and 16a HA*: Bobcat 8. Achievements 3b, 8d and 16a 2 What Makes America Special? and The Past Is Exciting and Important Verify: Bobcat 8. Achievement 8d Do: Achievements 3a, 3b, 3d, 3j, 8b, and 8e. HA: Achievement 3b 3Ride Right Verify: Achievement 3b, 16a Do: Achievement 14a, 14b, 14c, and 14e (14f) 4Law Enforcement Is a Big Job (police station visit) Do: Achievement 7a–f HA: Achievements 7c–e, 1a, and 1b 5 Ways We Worship, Law Enforcement Is a Big Job, and Sawdust and Nails Verify: Achievement 7c–e Do: Achievements 1a, 1b, 7c–e,b20a, and 20b (20c) HA: Achievement 20c if not done in the den 6Sawdust and Nails and Games, Games, Games! Verify: Achievement 20c if not done in the den Do: Achievements 15a and 20b 7What’s Cooking?Do: Achievement 9a, 9b, 9d, and 9e HA: Achievement 9c 5
Supplemental Den Meeting Plans: Den Meeting LetterBear Den Meeting Plans Requirements/Electives Covered *HA = Home/family assignment AMapsDo: Elective 23a–e BShavings and ChipsDo: Achievement 19a–d CTying It All UpDo: Achievement 22a–e DBuild a Model (rockets)Do: Achievement 21f and 21g EMagic!Do: Elective 13 FJot It DownDo: Elective 18a, 18d, 18e,18g, and 18h GNature CraftsDo: Elective 12a HSpaceDo: Elective 1c. Astronomy belt loop ISpaceDo: Elective 1b, 1e, and 1f JLandscapingDo: Elective 14 KFarm Animals (field trip)Do: Elective 16 LSwimming**Do: Elective 19. Swimming belt loop MBoats ***Do: Elective 5 ** Note: Using this plan requires completion by the leader(s) of Safe Swim Defense training. *** Using this plan requires completion by the leader(s) of Safety Afloat training. 6
Safe Swim Defense Before a BSA group may engage in swimming activities of any kind, a minimum of one adult leader must complete Safe Swim Defense, have a commitment card (No.34243) with them, and agree to use the eight defenses in this plan. Safety Afloat Safety Afloat has been developed to promote boating and boating safety and to set standards for safe unit activity afloat. Before a BSA group may engage in an excursion, or trip on the water (canoe, raft, sailboat, motorboat, rowboat, floating inner tube, or other craft), adult leaders for such an activity must complete Safety Afloat training, No , have a commitment card, No , with them and be dedicated to full compliance with all nine points of Safety Afloat. 7
Achievements and Electives: Different than Tiger and Wolf Years 12 out of 24 Achievements 4 major Bear groups God (1 and 2) Country (3-7) Family (8-13) Self (14-24) 8
Achievements and Electives: Within each group there is a required amount of achievements Some electives may be repeated Requirements for Achievements may not be used for electives Homework 9
Parent Letter: Communication Accurate records 10
Bear Trail and beyond: Earn Bobcat award Progress towards rank 3 achievements= 1 red bead 4 th bead= Bear rank Arrow trail Left over achievements Unused portions 10 electives= gold arrow 10 additional electives= silver arrow Earn as many silvers as he wants Complete 3 rd grade Turns 10 years 11
Enhancements: Number Plans, Supplemental plans Check homework Assign to asst. den leader, parent, den Chief 12
Templates, forms, “quizzes”, sign-off sheets: 13
Knife Safety: Supplemental Meeting B Shaving and Chips Achievement 19 14
Whittlin’ Chip (achievement 19) Pocket Knife Pledge: 1.I will treat my pocketknife with the respect of a useful tool. 2.I will always close my pocketknife and put it away when not in use. 3.I will not use my pocketknife when it might injure someone near me. 4.I promise never to throw my pocketknife for any reason. 5.I will use my pocketknife in a safe manner at all times. Page
National Den Award: Quality, year-round program. Service and conservation projects Cub Scout Academics and Sports Field trips Character building Camping Dens earn the award as a team The recognition is a ribbon for the den flag or den doodle. 16
Do your Best! Completed skill to the best of his ability Judged against his standard Scout with mental/physical disabilities Substitute elective for achievement Cubmaster approval Cub Scout Den Leader Award Training 1.Complete "The New Den Leader" Fast Start training. 2.Complete basic training for Cub Scout den leaders. 3.Complete Youth Protection Training. 4.During your tenure for this award, participate in a Cub Scout leader PowWow or University of Scouting, or attend at least four roundtables. 17