Notable Names Ruins & artifacts Technology Location Culture Misc. 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500
The present day country, containing the ruins from Aztec and Mayan civilizations.
What is Mexico? $100
The modern day country in South America, high in the Andes Mountains, that was home to the Incan empire.
What is Peru? $200
The city that currently resides in the same location as the Aztec’s former capital city.
What is Mexico City? $300
The country, located in Europe, that was the birth place for some of the most influential explorers and conquistadors including the conqueror of the Aztec’s.
What is Spain? $400
Of all the empires we have studied, this one is the largest and owned the most land.
What is the Incan Empire? $500
One of the most important parts of the Aztec culture, this religious practice was central to keeping their gods alive.
What is human sacrifice? $100
This animal is frequently seen in ancient Latin American art, sculpture and mythology. It symbolizes power, beauty and strength.
What is the jaguar? $200
Parents in the Mayan culture arrange these between their daughters and sons
What are marriages? $300
This animal is used today for its warm coat This animal is used today for its warm coat. It was also used by the Incas for its wool to make warm clothing.
What are llamas? $400
This group is closely related to the ancient Egyptians This group is closely related to the ancient Egyptians. They built pyramids, wrote in hieroglyphics and lived fairly isolated lives.
Who were the Mayans? $500
An illiterate, greedy European, he was the conqueror of the Aztecs An illiterate, greedy European, he was the conqueror of the Aztecs. He actually didn’t like his own name, although he could not write it. He preferred the shorter version of his name . . . Hernan
Who was Hernando Cortes? $100
The name of the city built on a lake, the capital of the Aztecs
What is Tenochtitlan? $200
The man who came from Europe and who, after a civil war, became the conqueror of the Incas.
Who was Francisco Pizarro? $300
Tikal, Machu Picchu, and Tenochtitlan
What are the ancient capital cities? $400
Aztec men became heroes by having victory in battle or by winning at tlachtli, an Aztec game involving stone hoops, the sun’s shadow and a ball made out of this material.
What is rubber? $500
The ruins of this civilization includes the city of Chichen Itza.
What is the Aztec civilization? $100
The conquistadors used this weapon to give them advantage over the native populations. It was effective because of the loud sound and long range.
What is a gun? $200
The ancient ruins of the Mayans include this large structure that was used as a temple. It is also another name for a geometric solid.
What is a pyramid? $300
The conquistadors refused to adapt to the land and environment The conquistadors refused to adapt to the land and environment. They wore their heavy armor, breast plates, and this plumed article.
What is a helmet? $400
These symbols were used by the Mayans to show the value of one and five.
What are dots and dashes? $500
This group terraced their fields so they could farm in the sloping highlands of the mountains.
Who were the Incas? $100
The Aztec capital city was built on a lake by running these objects down through to the lake floor.
What are poles? $200
The ancient Aztecs developed one, in the shape of a circle The ancient Aztecs developed one, in the shape of a circle. It was surprisingly accurate at measuring passing time and the seasons.
What is a calendar? $300
This culture’s writings were destroyed because they were believed by the conquistadors to be promoting evil practices.
What was the Mayan culture? $400
The ancient civilizations did not have strong metals, so to make weapons, tools, and ceremonial knives they used bronze, stone or this material.
What is bone? $500
The entire look at a people, their beliefs, religion, government, language, economics, and customs
What is culture? $100
Men from Europe who sought power and wealth by gaining dominance over another people.
What are conquistadors? $200
All three religions had a god representing this object or worshipped it directly.
What is the sun? $300
The Aztec religion required their children to attend
What is school? $400
Traditional instruments, such as the flute and drum, a large part of a culture is found in this
What is music? $500