Pledge to READ the Bible together as a church Invest in TRAINING the whole church to understand and apply the Bible Raise money to TRANSLATE the Bible Help people EXPERIENCE the Bible in new and creative ways
What about Twynham Church?
Wednesday 16 th March Activate ladies’ lunch Hoburne Park Is the Bible relevant today Speaker: Sandra Tebbut from the Bible Society
Thursday 17 th March Above Bar Church Southhampton Saltmine Theatre Company From Eden to Eternity The Bible Brought to life on stage
Saturday/Sunday 19th & 20 th March a week end with Wycliffe Bible Translators Executive Director Eddie Arthur will be with us on Saturday evening and Sunday morning Something for all the family!
Monday 18 th and 25 th April A Monday market stall To sell Bibles, Easter books and Traidcraft items
Saturday 16 th April In Saxon Square A creative presentation of the Easter message
Prayer for 2011
Father God, We thank you for the year ahead - a gift to us - full of promise. This year, we want to know you more intimately, follow you more faithfully, share you more passionately and worship you more deeply. 1/4
As we celebrate your Word, we pledge: To read the Bible - together and alone; To be trained by the wisdom of others; To give your Word to those without; And to experience your Scriptures in new and creative ways. 2/4
Holy Spirit, speak through the Word to us, so that it might: Be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path; Cleanse our minds and burn with fire in our hearts; Satisfy our needs, as our daily bread And be as sweet as honey on our lips. 3/4
As your words become our words, May our lives reflect the Living Word more clearly And our love for the Word-made-flesh become more strong. For we ask this in the precious name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen. 4/4