Who Were They? Religious group from England Based on the teachings of John Calvin – Bay Psalms Book Puritan = they wanted to “purify” traditional European religious practices Strong belief in Bible as the “code” for all to follow – “complete and infallible word of God”
What Challenged the Puritans Hard, exhausting existence Unfamiliarity with land Fear of the unknown, evil Worry over basic survival
Five Main Beliefs of Puritan Religion 1. All people were damned because of Adam and Eve – “Original Sin” 2. Before birth, God decided whether you were one of the saved ones, or the “elect” - predestination 3. People did not know if they were saved or damned – limited atonement – only few receive salvation, which they cannot deny
Five Main Beliefs of Puritan Religion 4. Only God can save you; nothing you can do can make you “saved” – irresistible grace 5. Collective salvation; collective damnation – fail or succeed as a group – perseverance of the saints
EFFECTS ON RELATIONSHIPS Suspicion of others -- “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Unwillingness to admit to sins – created a need for blame Public punishments – tie between church and government
Other Qualities of Puritanism… Uniform codes of behavior – not appropriate to be unique Communal society – everyone contributed to community – all are equal Sought to translate all the Bible into their lives They were the “chosen people” Fear of “EVIL” – represented all that was unknown or misunderstood