One Minute after You Die 2 Corinthians 5:1-8
The Greatest Part of It All “Heaven” used to translate “Heaven” used to translate – shamayim – ouranos Used three different ways in Bible Used three different ways in Bible
The Greatest Part of It All Cosmological: “Heaven and Earth” meaning the entire universe Cosmological: “Heaven and Earth” meaning the entire universe Synonym for God: “I have sinned against heaven” Synonym for God: “I have sinned against heaven” The Abode of God The Abode of God
The Greatest Part of It All We will be in the presence of pure love We will be in the presence of pure love We will be in the presence of absolute power (Ex. 20:18-19) We will be in the presence of absolute power (Ex. 20:18-19) We will be in the presence of complete holiness (Is. 6:1-6) We will be in the presence of complete holiness (Is. 6:1-6)
The Immediate and Transitory State Heaven is often depicted wrongly Heaven is often depicted wrongly There is continued existence of our spirits beyond our bodies (2 Cor. 5) There is continued existence of our spirits beyond our bodies (2 Cor. 5) Will we have some type of transitional body? Will we have some type of transitional body? (Matthew 17:3; Heb. 12:22-23)
The Immediate and Transitory State We will certainly be in a “Place” We will certainly be in a “Place” Jesus (John 14); Abraham (Heb. 11) Jesus (John 14); Abraham (Heb. 11) A city is described for us in Rev. 21 A city is described for us in Rev. 21
The More Blest Employ Worship is obvious (Rev. 5:11 ff) Worship is obvious (Rev. 5:11 ff) Rest – this does not mean a siesta Rest – this does not mean a siesta Service? Service?
The More Blest Employ Service? Service? – Prayer – Rev. 6:9-11; 8:3 – Moses and Elijah had some contact at least with this world and Jesus’ mission – Rejoicing – Luke 15:10 – Work – Something grand is being prepared
The More Blest Employ Reunion and Fellowship Reunion and Fellowship Gen. 25:8 – ”gathered to his people” Gen. 25:8 – ”gathered to his people” Soldiers of Christ in Truth Arrayed Soldiers of Christ in Truth Arrayed