Words of Wisdom from the exiting 239 students Spring 2008 to the entering 139 students Fall 2008
If you could talk to the incoming class taking CS139 this fall, what advice would you give them?
Finish the PAs with enough time to properly test before going to submit.
Everything is harder than it looks.
The instructor is willing to help, so make sure you use that resource.
Pay attention to the labs because its an introduction to what will appear on the programming assignments.
Do everything you (Instructor) want them to do, because it will help them a lot
Don’t walk into this class like it is an easy class/major. You have to come in ready to work and eager to learn.
The book is their bible! In all seriousness, actually coding out the examples in the book really helps to get a feel for what's being discussed in the chapter and what can translate into Programming Assignments and labs. This strategy helps if you adopt it from day one, the more time you wait the more pressure builds trying to catch up later on.
Devote a lot of time to designing before you code, start as early as you can, and don't be afraid to ask for help which is available on a consistent basis from your instructor and TA's
Do the labs!
Put the time in, make sure you understand the material even if it means putting extra time in and asking for help, and you'll do fine.
Work together on the labs and plan out code on paper before actually doing it.
Start immediately, find strong classmates & teammates to help each other out. Ask for instructor help, and TA help.
Never be afraid to talk to the TAs and get to know them because they will become your best friends.
Have fun!
Start PAs early and make sure you understand the labs. Without understanding the labs and lectures you likely won't be able to tackle the PAs very effectively.
Don't push off the PAs. Ask for help frequently if needed. Utilize the TAs and office hours.
Come to lab and do the labs and you'll be fine with PAs but study for the test some.
Don't Worry, Be Happy !
Do the readings, and start the programs early.
Read the book, start the PAs the day they are posted.
Do the readings, and start the programs early.