Title Climate change and ecosystem health in Southern Africa: Effects, vulnerability and coping mechanisms Leonard Peter Jackson Donald Benjamin Krasposy Kujinga Steady Ole Allen Tsitsi
Poor Yield Change of determinants of Non-Communicable Diseases Social Conflict REDUCED LIVELIHOODS AND ECOSYSTEM HEALTH (WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE) Environmental factors Food Security factors Health factors Socio-economic factors Disaster (floods, Landslides) Water Scarcity Air, Water & Soil Quality Lack of access to Agr. inputs Environmental degradation Poor crop pricing Poor harvest & storage capacity Animal Diseases Change of determinants of Communicable Diseases Economic decline IlliteracyPoverty Negative cultural practice Governance factors Gender imbalances Poor governance Poor health systems and capacity Problem Analysis
Problem statement Poor food yield from agriculture, increased disease patterns, and destruction of ecological systems as a result of climate change have continued unabated in Southern Africa
General objective To enhance the knowledge base on effects of climate change on ecosystem health with a view to reduce vulnerability and improve livelihoods in southern Africa.
Specific Objectives To establish the cause-effect relationships between climate change and selected environmental and socio- economic determinants of health. To identify vulnerable communities and the current coping mechanisms in geographical areas prone to climate change. To establish the preparedness of national and regional authorities for appropriate climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Way Forward 5 page concept note required. Step 1: Draft 1 from Msafiri, Ole and Furu to be circulated to group members by 1 st October for additional input. Step2: Members’ comments by 15 th October Step 3: Draft 2 by 1 st November. Step 4: Concept note by 15 th November
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