By: Tyler Jania and Storm Cannady
A. Counter Reformation – called this because the Catholic church was countering the Protestant Reformation 1.Inquisitions – punish heretics and protestants 2. Restore power of the Pope 3. Council of Trent – clearly define all Catholic teachings (prevents any controversy) 4. Missionaries – Jesuit priests spread the teachings of Catholicism (later spreads overseas)
***Catholic Reformation has some success B. Established churches in Europe 1. Church of England (Britain) 2. Lutheran and Calvinism (northern Europe) 3. Roman Catholic (western and southern Europe) 4. Eastern Orthodox (Eastern Europe DUH!) 5. Islam (eastern and southern Europe)
A. Three basic reasons 1. Kings gain more power 2. Education of more people (rise of middle class) 3. More education = more questioning of church doctrine (teachings)
B. The Great Schism (division of the catholic church) 1. Pope moved from Rome to France 2. This gave France control of the college of Cardinals (those who choose pope) 3. Pope Gregory XI l moves back to Italy where he DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4. Italians force college of Cardinals to choose and Italian pope 5. France said “ Unfair” and they chose their own pope
***NOW WE HAVE TWO POPES AND THUS “THE GREAT SHISM” 6. Eventually, a catholic council meets (from both sides) to choose one Pope. C. Other movements against the Catholic Church 1. stop the selling of positions (indulgences) 2. translate Bible from Latin to English so everyone could read it.