Comprehensive Literacy Unit Planning for Student Success Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page
Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Introduction Research shows that 50% of our high school graduates who take the ACT do not have the reading skills necessary to succeed in college. In this WebQuest, you will select objectives from the Idaho State Standards and build a unit that provides instruction to help all your students succeed at high levels.
Task Write a reading comprehension lesson using Sheltered Instruction components and indicators. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page SIOP Lesson Template Sample SIOP Lesson
Process Select reading objective(s) from the Idaho State Standards. Use the SIOP template from the TASK page of this WebQuest to begin. A sample is also included. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page 1 Lesson Preparation 5 Interaction 6 Practice & Application 7 Lesson Delivery 8 Review & Assessment 4 Strategies3 Comprehen. Input 2 Building Background
Evaluation Your lesson plan will be assessed using the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page Evaluation Checklist
Conclusion Reading comprehension is a critical foundational skill that all students must obtain in order to be successful after graduation. Using effective instructional strategies will ensure that you reach all of your learners and help them maximize their reading potential! Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page
All resources will be available at the following site by April 25 th, Idaho Falls School District 91 Comprehensive Literacy Site Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teacher Page