Today we will read about Brad and Kim. They help a bird whose egg is in danger. What could cause danger for a real birds eggs?
High Frequency words sawthis small tree her your
Short e p t f ll d ck l ss dr sssw ll e e e e e e
gr tr dr bl sl cl ip ock im ip op ock
Amazing Words habitat gentle nudge survive hatch
Amazing Words private perch moist
bed wet men red ten step sled net jet leg
Did you see where Tom sits and naps? Did you see where Tom sits and naps? Look at the man packing and locking the van. Look at the man packing and locking the van. The frog hops and kicks to get to her pad. The frog hops and kicks to get to her pad.
packs yelling packs yelling hits eating hits eating naps looking naps looking wags licking wags licking
Created By Leslie Wilmes 2008