Unit 5 Civics and Government Power Point
Lets find out together ! What does a three legged chicken, a dog, swimmers, and a Chief Justice have to do with our United States government?
Our Government has three parts. Like this three legged chicken.
Separate but equal the branches are to one another.
The Executive Branch
The Executive Branch of our government works in the White House.
President Barack Obama and Vice President Biden are the head of the executive branch.
The President is the… *Person responsible for everyone to follow the Constitution. *Commander-in-Chief of the military. *Person who can hire people for important jobs in the government. *Person who can make treaties with the other countries.
This is an aerial view of the White House.
This is the layout of the bottom floor of the White House.
President Barack Obama in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House.
The Dining Room in the White House.
President Barack Obama's wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, Sasha and Malia Ann live in the White House on the second floor with their dog Bo.
The Obama family with Bo.
The Oval Office is the Presidents office and it is on the second floor.
The Legislative Branch
The Legislative Branch works at the United States Capitol.
The Legislative branch has the power of making laws.
The United States Capitol.
This is the United States Capitol and the surrounding grounds.
Two groups that work at the U.S. Capitol are the House of Representatives and the Senate. Together they are called Congress.
Think Leg it takes two legs to do the work of the Legislative Branch.
This is inside the United States Capitol where many meetings are held to make laws.
Judicial Branch
The Judicial branch of the government works at the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court Building.
The Judicial branch is responsible for settling arguments with the law and making sure the Constitution is followed. They HAMMER out the laws.
The Constitution is the basic laws of the land.
Nine Chief Justices work in the Supreme Court until they choose to resign, retire or die.
These are the Chief Justices.
Sonia Sotomayor is the newest Supreme Court Justice.
This is not one of the Supreme Court Justices.
This is inside the Supreme Court Building.
This is the Great Hall looking toward the Courtroom.
The Main Reading Room in the Supreme Court Library.
Lets do a quick review of what you have learned.
Now that you have gone through this Power Point. Can you answer the following question…
Talk about what new information you learned. What does a three legged chicken, a dog, swimmers, and a Chief Justice have to do with our United States government?
Name the buildings as they appear. T h e S u p r e m e C o u r t T h e W h i t e H o u s e T h e U n i t e d S t a t e s C a p i t o l
Match the workers with the buildings in which they work. The Supreme Court The White House The United States Capitol Supreme Court Justices The President and Vice President Congress: Senators, and Representatives
Nice learning today. You did a wonderful job?
Teacher information extra pages to print and use if you want.
The White House.