Action and Linking Verbs
What do you observe? ActionLinking Servewas Spilledis Ownsare Feltwere Stopam
Action Verbs Tell what a subject does. Involves actionsomething a person/thing can do Think of examples
Linking Verbs Link or join the subject with a word or words that tell what the subject is or is like. Examples: is, were, am, become, seem, appear, feel, taste, smell, look The alien feels slimy. My feet smell like rotten eggs. You look like a patch of fungus. The teacher seems weird today. Can you use one?
Predicate Nominative A noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and identifies or explains the subject. The mattresses were straw-filled bags. My pillow was a rolled-up sleeping bag. When my brother is mad, he is a crazed psychopath. Charles is a blacksmith. Joe is my uncle. She became my favorite singer. Can you use one? Quiz time