10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 1 PREAMBLE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 3 PREMABLE STRUCTURE 3
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 4 1.NAME OF THE INSTRUCTOR: Mrs.Pooja Prakash 2. CABIN LOCATION : B.M.A.S.E.C. Department of Business Studies, 4 th Floor – 1 st cabin from the MBA lab 3. TELEPHONENO. : ID : 5. MEETING HOURS : 12:30pm – 1:30 pm (Tues to Sat) 4
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 5 HOLISTIC FIX OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT PREREQUISITES: (Before 12 th standard) Basic Knowledge of Management Principles. (After12 th standard till Graduation) Basic Concepts of Projects and related Project industries Knowledge of Laws & Concepts of Demand & Supply. PRE REQUISTES (4th Semester) Costing procedures (taught in Cost Accounting) Sources of finance and areas of financing (taught in Financial management)
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 6 HOLLISTIC FIX………CONTINUED PRE REQUISTES (4 th Semester) Basic Concept of Risk & Uncertainty (Studied in Security Analysis & Investment Management and Financial Management) Basic Concept of Probability (Studied in Business Mathematics/ Business Statistics) Knowledge of Cost Budgeting (Taught in Cost & Management Accounting) 6
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 7 HOLLISTIC FIX………CONTINUED Related Advanced Subjects: Earned value management Project+ Project accounting Project governance Program management Process architecture Software development process Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Virtual Project Management
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 8 SCOPE IN RELATED FIELDS… Architectural engineering Construction management Cost engineering Industrial engineering Project workforce management Portfolio management Systems engineering Software project management 8 HOLLISTIC FIX OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT………CONTINUED
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 9 Key Concepts of Project Management Basic Concept of Project 9
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 10 DISCREPANCIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 11 STEPS IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 12 DETAILED PROCESS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT 12 Also go through:
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 13 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT CYCLE 13 Also read: Watch:
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 14 CONCEPT OF DEMAND AND SUPPLY 14 Also Watch:
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 15 RISK & RETURN CONCEPT Also read: Also watch:
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 16 Probability= Total no. of ways event can occur/Total no. of possible outcomes
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 17 KEY RESEARCH AREA OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT Research areas in cluster of Project Management: Theory of PM (including integration of complexity science, and social science). In short it is about moving away from/or beyond linear thinking and positivist approach to a more "constructivist" approach (co construction of the reality, adaptation, contextualisation). The traditional economics models are not working anymore as the underlying assumptions have changed; this includes understanding the underlying theoretical assumptions and cultural environment of standards development. The link of strategy/mission implementation/value creation, portfolio/programme mgt, project management, and operations. 17
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 18 KEY RESEARCH AREA OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT (ctd.) Governance and Finance: especially in the area of Major Projects and Capital Investment. This include Funding structures (beyond PPP/PFI, real options...), Governance approaches, Quality Assurance reviews at Front-End. Performance & Risk Management in relation with Contract Management.
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 19 Application of Project Management Project planning Task management Contact management Reports
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 20 KEY JOBS & COMPANIES HR Functions (Bangalore) Centre for Action research &Training SME ERP Blue Print Software System Inc CA Hewlett Packard Company 20
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 21 CIO Decisions Mainsoft Corporation Island Training Solutions Inc. Data Flux Corporation IFS KEY JOBS AND COMPANIES (Ctd..)
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 22 PROJECTS Kitchen Remodeling Project Installation of LAN at MBA lab of your college Use of Sensitivity analysis in financial evaluation of Capital Projects ( refer to : P&_user=10&_coverDate=08%2F31%2F1995&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_searchStrId= &_rerunOrigin=google &_acct=C &_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=1f a2bb4e897738e17e22815)
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 23 HOW WE STUDY..??? 23 Tutorial PlanHandouts + LAN Server Reference SourcesHandouts + LAN Server Lecture PlanHandouts + LAN Server Individual AssignmentsLAN Server Group AssignmentsHandouts + LAN Server UPTU Paper MappingLAN Server I GoogleWill be shared by individual Gmail Ids
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 24 Trends in Project Management Enterprises continue to look for Efficiencies in Process & Technology. Agile and Lean Processes are overtaking Waterfall. PMOs will go to the next level with BA Centers of excellence. Vendor Management & Programme outsourcing. Risk management will become a PM obsession. PM’s are becoming independent consultants. Virtual & Independent Teams will be more Prevalent Social Media will become a Norm PM & BA Roles are Converging 24
10/13/2015MBA-OP-03-(Project Management)_B.M.A.S.E.C 25 THANK YOU 25