WSD’s Committee Structure Steering Committee Superintendent, 4 Administrators, 3 Teachers Teacher CommitteePrincipal Committee 5 Administrators, 6 Teachers6 Administrators, 5 Teachers
WSD’s Committee Goals Develop evaluation tools that reflect current research and promote professional growth. Review the current tools and retain those aspects that are effective and eliminate or revamp those aspects that are not. Build off of previous work and experiences. Effectively use multiple measures of student growth for building/instructional improvement Develop tools that are truly beneficial, not just the fulfillment of a requirement. Develop a teacher evaluation system that reflects the WSD vision of becoming a world class school district.
The Process Review of the Research Identify research-based characteristics of effective teacher evaluation. Instructional Framework Development: Dr. Robert Marzano Marzano’s framework is based on the belief that all teachers can improve. We were able to shift our thinking from an evaluation model that finds a teacher satisfactory or not, to an evaluation model that requires growth of every teacher on a specific scale.
The Process Evaluation Tool Format Review current WSD evaluation tool and gather feedback on its strengths and weaknesses. Look at sample evaluation tools from around the U.S. using our evaluation rubric and identify aspects for implementation into the new WSD tool. Agree upon the format for the new evaluation tool and the 4 tier language.
The Process Rubric Development Discuss and unwrap each criterion. Align Marzano’s Framework to each criterion.
The Process Development of the Evaluation Process. Identification of evidence/measures for evaluating each of the performance criterion. Created a differentiated process for evaluation, including timelines, forms for goal-setting, self-assessment/reflection, and the summative evaluation report. Discussed issues regarding student growth data.
Criterion #2 INSTRUCTION: The teacher uses research-based instructional practices to meet the needs of all students. 2.8 The teacher reflects and evaluates the effectiveness of instructional performance to identify areas of pedagogical strength and weakness.
Criterion #3 DIFFERENTIATION: The teacher acquires and uses specific knowledge about students’ cultural, intellectual, and social development to adjust their practice by employing strategies that advance learning. 3.1 The teacher plans and prepares for effective scaffolding of information within lessons and units that progresses toward a deep understanding and transfer of content. 3.2 The teacher uses data to plan and provide interventions that meet individual student learning needs, including ELL, Special Ed and students who come from home environments that offer little support for schooling.
Criterion #6 ASSESSMENT: The teacher uses multiple data elements (both formative and summative) to plan, inform, and adjust instruction and evaluate student learning. 6.1 The teacher uses multiple data elements to modify instruction. 6.2 The teacher uses multiple data elements to design and modify appropriate student assessments. 6.3 The teacher uses multiple measures to demonstrate student growth.
Criterion #8 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: The teacher participates collaboratively in the educational community to improve instruction, advance the knowledge and practice of teaching as a profession, and ultimately impact student learning. 8.6 The teacher meets growth targets as identified in annual professional goals.
The Process Implementation Plan Develop pilot plan Selection of participants Create a professional development plan Calibration training (Walk Throughs and Instructional Rounds) Develop a plan for evaluating the new tools
The Process Communication Plan Newsletter District Website Meetings WENEA Rep Council Principals’ Meeting Building meetings Parent Involvement
Lessons Learned A collaborative working relationship is a must. We didn’t know what we didn’t know, so technical support from WEA and OSPI has been extremely beneficial. An instructional framework is critical for creating a teacher evaluation tool The professional development for implementation will change the way we look at PD (aligned to framework vs. content specific, calibration training).
Time and timelines. Changing our culture to a professional growth model for educators. Refining the use of data as a measure of effectiveness and determining impact on student learning. Maintaining professional development in the face of diminishing resources. Challenges- Now and in the Future