1 Object-Orientation in Ontology Date: April 30, 2007 Byunggul Koh Taeksu Kim
2 Contents Ontology Overview Definition Elements of Ontology Semantic Web Consumer products Ontology Language RDF RDF Schema Object Oriented Features in RDF OWL Object Oriented Features in OWL References & Appendix
3 Semantics Semantic Symbol Object Person can recognize the object by semantics 木 Tree 나무
4 weak semantics strong semantics Is Disjoint Subclass of with transitivity property Logical Theory Thesaurus Has Narrower Meaning Than Taxonomy Is Sub-Classification of Conceptual Model Is Subclass of DB Schemas, XML Schema First Order Logic Relational Model, XML OWL RDF/S Semantic Expressivity
5 Logical Theory Thesaurus Has Narrower Meaning Than Taxonomy Is Sub-Classification of Conceptual Model Is Subclass of Is Disjoint Subclass of with transitivity property weak semantics strong semantics ER Semantic Expressivity Problem: Very General Semantic Expressivity: Very High Problem: Local Semantic Expressivity: Low Problem: General Semantic Expressivity: Medium Problem: Local Semantic Expressivity: High
6 Definition of ontology In computer science Represents a set of concepts within a domain Relationships between those concepts
7 Elements of an ontology (1/3) ClassRelationship Properties It need to specify descriptions for the following kinds of concepts:
8 Elements of an ontology (2/3) Classes Is abstract groups, sets, or collections of objects May contain individuals, other classes, or a combination of both Property Objects can be described by assigning attributes to them Has a name and a value, Is used to store information that is specific to the object
9 Elements of an ontology (3/3) Relationship Property is to describe the relationships between objects Relation is an property whose value is another object Ex: Successor: Ford Explorer
10 Ontology Language OWL Developed as a follow-on from RDF and RDFS, as well as earlier ontology language projects including OIL, DAML and DAML+OIL. KIF Syntax for first-order logic that is based on S-expressions CycL First-order predicate calculus with some higher- order extensions Is a formal language used to encode the ontology
11 Usage of an ontology Tomorrow's applications can be "intelligent" in the sense that they can more accurately work at the human conceptual level Has many applying area Ubiquitous Computing Information Integration A.I. Semantic Web
12 Example of Using ontology SquareXAB RoundXAB023 …Price ($US) Size (in)ShapeCatalog No..4531S R … Price ($US) Diam (mm) Geom.Part No. Washer Catalog No. Shape Size Price iMetal Corp. E-Machina iMetal Corp. E-Machina Manufacturer Square Round RoundXAB SquareXAB035 …Price ($US)Size (in)ShapeMfr No. Supplier A Supplier B Buye r Ontology
13 Applying area of ontology Semantic web Way of enabling the semantics to be used by web applications and intelligent agents Standard W3C RDF DAML-OIL OWL ISO/IEC Topic maps
14 Elements of a semantic web HigherSemantics Semantics Structure & Syntax Logical Layer - Formal semantic - Reasoning support - Heavyweight ontologies Schema Layer - Definition of vocabulary - Lightweight ontologies Data Layer - Simple data model and Syntax for metadata - RDF: Instances OWL RDF Schema RDFXML Schema
15 Layer of Elements HigherSemantics Semantics Structure & Syntax
16 Semantic Web Scenario 1 Feature Reconstruction Issue instance Historic event Site has reconstructs Pertains to Instance of Reconstruction issue Roof construction
17 Semantic Web Scenario 2 Arch of Forum Curia Iulia North sector of Forum describes includes potentially describes Page1 Page2
18 Contents Ontology Overview Definition Elements of Ontology Semantic Web Consumer products Ontology Language RDF RDF Schema Object Oriented Features in RDF OWL Object Oriented Features in OWL References & Appendix
19 About metadata Find Things in the Real World LibraryVideo shopPhone book Author Title Subject ISDN … Book’s location Actor’s name Director’s name Genre … Video’s name Name Location … Phone number of Pizzahut
20 About metadata Common Thread in Find Things Based on metadata Information about information E.g. Finding information Book’s location Using information about information Book’s title, author, etc.
21 About metadata Searching in WWW The Web is a lot like a really big library There is hardly any metadata on the Web Search engine do the equivalent of going through the library, reading every book, and allowing us to look things up based on the words in the text.
22 Introduction to RDF Resource Description Framework Is W3C standard for encoding knowledge, for the web A framework for supporting resource description, or metadata Make the management and navigation of Web data easier
23 RDF Triple Subject Predicate Object Article( Authored_by Byunggul Koh
24 Graph representation of RDF Byunggul Koh Authored_by Byunggul KohKorea Authored_by Namenationalit y Subject Object Predicate
25 RDF vs. XML RDFXML SemanticsSyntax GraphTree Relation representation Data representation Simple syntax Great ScalabilityLack of scalability
26 Serialization Syntaxes: RDF/XML
27 Serialization Syntaxes: Notation 3
28 Application RDF Site Summary (RSS) Publishing information about updates of a web page RDF Site Summary (RSS 1.0) Based on RDF Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0) Based on XML & XML Schema
29 Application RDF Site Summary (RSS)
30 RDF Schema RDF specification Extensible knowledge representation language intended to structure RDF resources Provides basic elements for the description of ontology Called RDF vocabularies
31 Example of RDF Schema eg:Documenteg:authoreg:Person Byunggul KohInformation Management-A Proposal eg:author eg:name eg:title rdfs:Resource rdf:Property rdfs:type rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:domainrdfs:range rdf:type rdfs:subClassOf
32 Object-Oriented Features in RDF (1/4) rdfs:Resource All things described by RDF are called resources rdfs:Class Declare a resource as a class for other resources rdf:Property The class of RDF properties rdfs:subClassOf Declare hierarchies of classes rdfs:subPropertyOf State that all resources related by one property are also related by another
33 Object-Oriented Features in RDF (2/4) rdf:type State that a resource is an instance of a class rdfs:domain Declares the class of the subject in a triple using this property as predicate P rdfs:domain C rdfs:range Declares the values of a property are instances of one or more classes P rdfs:range C
34 Object-Oriented Features in RDF (3/4) Person Teacher teacher rdfs:domain rdf:Property Course rdfs:range rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subClassOf
35 Object-Oriented Features in RDF (4/4) Classes in RDF Class Associations in RDF Attributes in RDF Property Instances in RDF Type RDF has sufficient features for Object-Oriented paradigm Appendix
36 Contents Ontology Overview Definition Elements of Ontology Semantic Web Consumer products Ontology Language RDF RDF Schema Object Oriented Features in RDF OWL Object Oriented Features in OWL References & Appendix
37 What is OWL? Web Ontology Language Built on top of RDF OWL is Stronger language with greater machine interpretability than RDF Greater vocabulary and stronger syntax than RDF E.g. Inverse, Union, Intersection
38 Three Sublanguages OWL Lite OWL DLOWL Full Classification hierarchy Simple constraint features Maximum expressiveness and the syntactic freedom No computational guarantees Maximum expressiveness without losing computational completeness Appendix
39 Object-Oriented Features in OWL (1/8) owl:Class Class is a group of individuals that belong together because they share some properties Individual Individuals are instances of classes rdfs:subClassOf Class hierarchies may be created by making one or more statements that a class is a subclass of another class
40 Object-Oriented Features in OWL (2/8) wine vin...
41 Object-Oriented Features in OWL (3/8) owl:ObjectProperty, owl:DatatypeProperty Datatype properties Relations between instances of classes and RDF literals and XML Schema datatypes Object properties Relations between instances of two classes. rdf:Property rdfs:subPropertyOf Property hierarchies may be created by making one or more statements that a property is a subproperty of one or more other properties rdfs:domain A domain of a property limits the individuals to which the property can be applied rdfs:range The range of a property limits the individuals that the property may have as its value
42 Object-Oriented Features in OWL (4/8)...
43 Object-Oriented Features in OWL (5/8) owl:equivalentClass Two classes may be stated to be equivalent owl:equivalentProperty Two properties may be stated to be equivalent owl:sameAs Two individuals may be stated to be the same owl:differentFrom An individual may be stated to be different from other individuals owl:intersectionOf Intersections of named classes and restrictions owl:unionOf Arbitrary Boolean combinations of classes and restrictions
44 Object-Oriented Features in OWL (6/8) <owl:sameAs rdf:resource="#StGenevieveT exasWhite" /> Vechicle Car Equus owl:equivalentClass rdf:type Wine StGenevieveTexasWhiteMikesFavoriteWine rdf:type Same instances
45 Object-Oriented Features in OWL (7/8) White WineBurgundy
46 Object-Oriented Features in OWL (8/8) NonSweetFruitSweetFruit Appendix
47 Expression Power of OWL OWL model can express The disjoint of two classes The intersection and complement of two classes Minimum and maximum cardinality of the class Symmetric, transitive, functional, and inverse-functional property of the class Inverse relation of two property Create equivalent classes which has different name
48 Contents Ontology Overview Definition Elements of Ontology Semantic Web Consumer products Ontology Language RDF RDF Schema Object Oriented Features in RDF OWL Object Oriented Features in OWL References & Appendix
49 References W3C, A Semantic Web Primer for Object-Oriented Software Developers, available at oosd-primer/, 2006 Asuncion Gomez-Perez et al., "Ontological Engineering," Springer, 2004 OWL Web Ontology Language Use Cases and Requirements, OWL Web Ontology Language Overview, RDF Primer, Ontology, Wikipedia Overview of Ontology, SNU IDB Lab., 2006 Overview of RDF, SNU IDB Lab., 2006
50 Appendix
51 RDFS (1/3) rdfs:Resource rdfs:Class rdfs:Literal The class of literal values such as strings and integers rdfs:Datatype rdfs:Datatype is the class of datatypes rdf:XMLLiteral The class of XML literal values rdf:Property
52 RDFS (2/3) rdfs:range rdfs:domain rdf:type rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label Instance of rdf:Property that may be used to provide a human- readable version of a resource's name rdfs:comment Instance of rdf:Property that may be used to provide a human- readable description of a resource
53 RDFS (3/3) rdfs:Container rdf:Bag rdf:Seq rdf:Alt rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty rdfs:member rdf:List rdf:first rdf:rest rdf:nil rdf:Statement rdf:subject rdf:predicate rdf:object rdfs:seeAlso rdfs:isDefinedBy rdf:value Back to p.34
54 OWL (1/3) owl:AllDifferent A number of individuals may be stated to be mutually distinct in one AllDifferent statement owl:inverseOf If the property P1 is stated to be the inverse of the property P2, P1(x,y) iff P2(y,x) owl:allValuesFrom If an instance of the class is related by the property to a second individual, then the second individual can be inferred to be an instance of the local range restriction class owl:someValuesFrom A particular class may have a restriction on a property that at least one value for that property is of a certain type
55 OWL (2/3) owl:cardinality Cardinality is provided as a convenience when it is useful to state that a property on a class has both minCardinality 0 and maxCardinality 0 or both minCardinality 1 and maxCardinality 1 owl:minCardinality If a minCardinality of 1 is stated on a property with respect to a class, then any instance of that class will be related to at least one individual by that property owl:maxCardinality If a maxCardinality of 1 is stated on a property with respect to a class, then any instance of that class will be related to at most one individual by that property
56 OWL (3/3) owl:one of Classes can be described by enumeration of the individuals that make up the class owl:hasValue A property can be required to have a certain individual as a value owl:disjointWith Classes may be stated to be disjoint from each other owl:unionOf owl:intersectionOf owl:complementOf Back to p.45
57 OWL Lite, OWL DL, OWL Full OWL LiteOWL DLOWL Full Following property can not be specified owl:minCardinality owl:maxCardinality owl:cardinality Only 0 or 1 can be used owl:hasValue owl:disjointWith owl:oneOf owl:complementOf owl:unionOf Following property can not be specified FunctionalProperty InverseFunctionalProperty owl:cardinality Can not use metaclass Can not import the OWL Full ontology All features in specification can be used NCA IV- RER-04059: A Research on Web Ontology Development Guideline, National Information Society Agency, Back to p.37