Sequence Events Visualize Story Events “Hatchet” Sequence Events Visualize Story Events
Sequence I eat a snack. I do my homework. I talk with friends on the phone. Add clue words to each sentence to indicate the order of the activities. What words could you add to show that the person talked on the phone at the same time as doing homework.
Sequence Sequence is the order of events in a story. Clue words such as first, second, next, then, finally, today, and yesterday can help to indicate the sequence of story events When story events happen at the same time, clue words such as meanwhile, while, as, and during are used.
Visualize Visualize means to create a picture in your mind of what you read. This helps you to get more involved with the story and improves your comprehension.
Your Turn Read the story on p.275 with your teacher. You will then be asked to retell the story’s events in correct sequence. You will also be asked to draw a picture of one story event you pictured in your mind.