Herts Smart Card Initiative Spencer Robeson County Transport Services Manager Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire nPopulation-1,033,616 nPopulation without own transport-45%
why Herts is going smart n“The Green County” committed to promoting and providing a sustainable environment and TravelWise transport alternatives nArriva Buses committed to promotion and improvement of passenger transport nwelcome new technology to improve value for money, auditable systems and better information nsmart technology will pay for itself in transport applications
political background npassenger transport initially high on political agenda with Integrated Transport nJohn Prescott announced his vision for an integrated transport system, and Transport Bill “Queen’s Speech” November 1999, now Transport Act 2000
Prescott’s key requirements nIntegrated Transport calls for: –better use of existing capacity: a framework of regulation and accountability through capturing and analysing accurate usage data –pricing and charging alternatives and demand management –changing attitudes to transport, achieving a safer more reliable public transport system
a national example nHerts Smart Scheme - illustrates how technology can be used to meet Prescott’s vision –accurate information & cost re-allocation –ability to offer pricing initiatives and through ticketing –convenient & improved services
nmakes services easier to use the Citycard vision nprovides service providers with accurate data on usage trends nenables services to be improved
the Herts Smart Scheme ncontactless smart card technology nstarting with bus travel nbus travel - mass application, quick payback nrolling out to other services
key points none of the largest smart card transport schemes in the UK nby mid 99 30,000 smart cards issued naccepted on 300 buses in area
the roll out nstarted Dec 97 with school children in Hemel Hempstead, Watford and Three Rivers areas nroll out to pensioners in 98 ninclude commercial cards in 99 then roll out to rest of county and other services (eg school meals, parking, libraries) for
benefits to users n Electronic Purse means no cash to drop! n Speed of Transaction n Service better matches requirements n Discounts automatically accounted
benefits to operators n Transaction Capture n Revenue Foregone Calculations n Prepayment - Reduction in working capital - Enhanced Cash Flow n Low (almost no) Maintenance
benefits to authorities nPromotional Aspects nValue for Money Transactions nAuditable Systems nBetter Information
accurate information nTCC feeds back management information reports to Herts CC and Shires ninformation enables better planning of services and routes naccurate tracking of public expenditure
value for money ntraditionally councils pay a blanket charge based on estimated usage figures nuntil now there was no accurate way of recording whether and how often passes were used nsmart card technology enables payments based on exact per journey usage nprojected to pay for investment
the card npersonalised to card holder nprovides pass and low value e-purse functions ncontactless technology means no need to insert into reader - just pass over the top
data gathering nin the bus ticket machine there is a module which records all fares nsmart buses have an additional SM (Security Module) njourney details and fares are recorded by the SM
data transfer nthe bus driver downloads all data from module after each shift nfrom Arriva central PC the data is transmitted to the Clearing Centre (CC) nencoded using signature encryption nreconciliation of costs & revenues arranged between card issuers and card acceptors neg payment by Herts County Council to Arriva for transporting entitled school child
LESSONS SO FAR Legal Issues nScheme Development PPP/PFI/Joint Working nProcurement Process/Contracts/Partnerships/Agreements nCopyright, IPR, Source Codes, Trade Marks nPersonnel Details, Data Protection Issues nAudits - Audit Commission, District Audit, Best Value Reviews nTransport Act 2000 / LTP / IT