By Dr. Tom Cheyney
7 Strategies for Planting Healthy Reproductive Churches We are a component of a national church planting movement within the SBC and we rely on the best church planting practices from all around the nation to learn how to continually plant healthy, reproducing congregations. If you would like to see some of the best practices you can download that resource at:
7 Strategies for Planting Healthy Reproductive Churches Spiritual empowerment is the key to our growth as church planters and those who work with them as sponsoring churches. Our spiritual dynamic is built upon the Holy Bible and prayer in everything we do.
7 Strategies for Planting Healthy Reproductive Churches Recruitment is a key as we seek leaders who are involved in mobilizing and multiplying reproducing churches locally and participating in regional and global church planting movements.
7 Strategies for Planting Healthy Reproductive Churches Any sponsoring church who is desiring a successful church plant will do church planter’s performance assessment before a planter is called to the field. As sponsoring churches, we should objectively determine a potential church planter's call, giftedness, character and preparation for ministry. Assessment is useful and helpful in determining the potential for future success as a Church Planter.
7 Strategies for Planting Healthy Reproductive Churches Sponsoring Churches should arrange various training events that equip the church planting team with up-to-date strategies, information, principles and current approaches for successful ministries.
7 Strategies for Planting Healthy Reproductive Churches Sponsoring churches should make certain that every church planter has a trained coach and every interested sponsoring pastor an experienced adviser. Both seek to help church planting leaders succeed through sharing spiritual assistance, emotional support and skill set improvement. Coaching is a more preferred term today but both represent the need for a life coach.
7 Strategies for Planting Healthy Reproductive Churches Sponsoring Churches should seek to extend funding strategies and mechanisms that will fuel your growing church planting movement and help each leader with his personal support.
7 Strategies for Planting Healthy Reproductive Churches Sponsoring Churches should provide world class resources to assist leaders to make a kingdom impact in their communities.
7 Strategies for Planting Healthy Reproductive Churches We are constantly developing and refining these systems that will enable us to mobilize and multiply more churches in North America. For further assistance and if you need a coach contact us at:
By Dr. Tom Cheyney