Inhospitable- offering no shelter or good conditions for living. Predatory- living by killing and eating other animals. Refuge- shelter or protection from danger or trouble.
Spelling Rule V/CV and VC/V Generalization: *When a word or a syllable ends with a single vowel, the vowel sound is usually long. *When a word or a syllable ends with a consonant, the vowel sound is usually short.
Lets learn about Penguins
Hardened with cold; turned to ice; iced over
Broad, flat body parts used for swimming by animals such as seals and penguins; fins
There are many types of penguins.
Some live in warm climates
Emperor Penguines Egg
Penguin Egg
To come out of an egg.
Each baby penguin,pup looks different from the adult, just like us.
Adiline Penguin as a pup then adult
Here is an Emperor Penguin Chick, growing into its adult body.
The mother leaves to hunt for food and dad keeps the baby warm.
Lies closely and comfortably together; cuddles; gets warm and cozy
Penguin Rookery; the mother leaves the rookery after the egg hatched.
Lies close and comfortably; curls up close
Feeding time, yum, yum. Blended baby food. Cool!
Where did their heads go ?Good to the last drop.
To smooth or arrange feathers with a beak
Strikes with a beak
This is not a smart penguin.
If it is not it may be a fantasy.
cuddles flippers frozen hatch pecks preen snuggles se arrima a aletas congelada salir del casarón picotea atusa se acurruca